I have a nice blastomussa wellsi piece that needs to be fragged. The coral is on a plug, is round and about the size of a quater. It has three big mouths that are bright green inside and the outer tissue is purple. The problem that I am having is in between each large head I have atleast 3 - 5 baby mouths growing. When the coral tries to open up they all are fighting to do get the light and all I can see is the outer purple flesh and hardly any of the inside neon green. Is there a way that I can cut the baby heads inbetween the large heads and glue them onto some live rock? I have never fragged before but have seen it done. I think that if I had some small "snips" or something I can precisely cut out the babies and superglue them to rocks. Has anyone ever done this???
Thanks for you feedback - Jon
Thanks for you feedback - Jon