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fragging palys?


NJRC Member
I have a large cluster of palys spreading ontoa rock that i dont want them on, would there be anyway to frag them off, If only there tissue was strong i would pull off a mat of about 100 or so.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Without seeing the mat, it's hard to tell. The best way would be to scrape under the mat with a sharp knife.


NJRC Member
I wish i had a camera but i cant get a picture i think im going to cut under the mat one atempti did i wound up cutting the mat he shriveld up but somehow survived now hes in the back of my rocks living in harmony with muchrooms. Im going to try to get a friends camera but it might not get a decent picture. - meda i would dremel it however its the bottom rock holding everyother rock onto of it.


NJRC Member
Keep in mind that palys are full of toxins,so be extremely careful when fragging them not to get it in you eyes or mouth.
reefsandrotts said:
Keep in mind that palys are full of toxins,so be extremely careful when fragging them not to get it in you eyes or mouth.

Frankly, even touching your skin is a bad idea. My whole arm went numb for well over a few hours once when fragging a paly rock a few years ago. Scared as hell because of it, too! Won't be keeping them any time soon ;)
I usually try to pry the rock surface right under the paly's . I use a sculpting tool that has a sharp spear/spade shapped head on it. If you get it on the right angle they can come off in a mat if they are the mat growing type (?) . I hope you can make sense out of that it reads weird but thats the best way I can put it .
I second or third that warning about the slime/toxin . Its not to be fooled with . That is why a dremel can be a bad choice, if you slip and hit one the splatter will go all over . Also watch out for them spitting at you. I know they dont aim but my luck has it that its always heading toward my eyes/mouth . :-X