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Frogspawn question


Staff member
NJRC Member
I noticed that my 4 head frogspawn had ab entire head missing this morning. I found it on the sand and its all extended and looks fine.
Why did it drop the head and how do I re-attach it to anything?

I've read about this happening before with both euphalia and acans apparently if they get upset enough they can pop themselves right off there skeloton. Not sure there is any way to reattach them maybe If you rubber band it back it will reattach itself


NJRC Member
I always use glue gels to reattach the base area back to it or something... they will be fine.


NJRC Member
My LPS (Hammers, Torch, Frogspawn, etc.) were doing this until no more were left years ago. The heads would start opening less then pop, off they came. It was driving me crazy. I even went a year or so with no LPS, then got new ones and the same reaction. A while ago I tried some LPS and they started again, it was recommended to dip them. All my LFS had was Lugol's Solution, so I picked it up. I tried with a frogspawn and dipped it in a small container of tank water and 8 drops of Lugol's for about 10 minutes. It looked like crap after, but in a day or two was fully extended. I dipped all mine and they've been great since. I now dip all my new corals this way before I put them in my tank. It helped me, so I try to pass it along. Good luck.

The heads that popped off for me had no skeleton, so I couldn't glue them and they would eventually disappear.


NJRC Member
no skeleton? I never have that problem...

how about put some rubble in a cup, then put the frogspawn in it to see if it re-attached?


Staff member
NJRC Member
I saw one of the clown fish swimming through some heads toniht. Maybe they are trying to host and irritated it. I dip the corals in Revive.


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NJRC Member
I was going to try liquid nails...LOL

Anyway another head is off today. Both clown fish are trying to host the frogspawn. I had a small nem but its now MIA, probably hiding from the clowns.
I may have to get another nem this weekend. I will try to attach the heads to some frag plugs.
In case anyone is wondering they are Clarkii clowns.
i had a false perc decide to use a large frogspawn as home in my old tank...the clown was small and the colony was big so no harm no foul. Your clarkiis...are they big? relative to the Frogspawn that is? Might be the cause of the heads being rubbed off...
duh tony, everyone knows the staples would just rust... duct tape is what this procedure calls for, lots and lots of duct tape.

Better use of duct tape - make a boat:
My old clown use to host my frogspawn all the time and I never had any heads pop off I think if it was from the clowns the heads would recede not pop off completely..
I've had a few frogspawn do the same thing. One was unknowingly blasted by current, the other subject to my clown getting a little to erotic with it. I lost one, and another laid against the rock and actually began to form its own skeleton base over time, which unfortunately attached to the bottom edge of my rock. It'***** or miss with survival. I didn't touch either, just let nature take its course and am batting .500.


Staff member
NJRC Member
The clowns are not very big but are dive right into the Frogspawn heads and shake about. The larger one is trying host the Neon green hammer but that is very large and so far no issues. I did find the nem it s alive and moved so hopefully the clowns will go back to it.

thanks for the nem offer; will keep you in mind if I decide to get another one.