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FS: snowflake clown and ora black misbar. - 07006.

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I have a snowflake http://www.orafarm.com/images/produc...owflake_lg.jpg like this one and an ora misbar black clown pair.

The black clown looks like this: http://www.oceanproaquatics.com/shop/images/ORA016.jpg

Keep in mind these aren't my pictures just for comparison purposes!

I'd like $125 for the pair, the black one is the female in this case.

I'd trade for:

Apex Lite/Apex newer model
Shelf rock/base rock nice pieces – medium size
Carbon/phosban/biopellet reactors and a pump to go with them - either the nextreefs, newer reef octopus ones or something similar - NOT THE TLF ones sorry!
Also have a 75g/90g black stand, was going to use it, but reusing my HUGE one instead - $60

and the 20g frankenstein sump that Olivier built which has a HUGE compartment for a skimmer and then off the side a nice sized fuge. - $80
Also WTB a Mag 5 or Mag 12 pump w/ 20 foot hose so I can do water changes easy/drain my tank right to the drain.
Sump pictures- all items have been cleaned, this is how i originally got them.




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brandon, you’ve got my curiosity!

That looks like the back of the tank (and upper frame) was cut out (notched out) and a small glass compartment siliconed to the back of the tank. What’s up with that? How does it work? What’s that small compartment used for?

I’ve never seen something like that in a sump…..wild!


NJRC Member
If I remember correctly from John's thread, that was an Olivier creation. I think the part on the back is the fuge section.
the little chamber on the right is a baffle for.watee.to flow under and over into the fuge section, the water then flows over that notch back in to the main sump. Olivier built it yes

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
MOD NOTIFICATION; I just realized this Tale of the Tank stuff is in a For Sale post. Mods might want to clip these posts off and put them into Brandon's Tale. If you do that, you can make this post go away. Thanks.
stand is pine

It is pending to a guy on MR right now, but if it falls through I'll let you know.

Sump is still FS :X I'm going to have a bunch of random stuff I'm going to sell/give away once I get my tank up and running and clean out the shelves of fish o crap.
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