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Fun & Easy Online Cartoon Fighting Game

unfortunately increases in stats like speed are random or predetermined, I am not sure which. When you reach a new level you will get something new like a new weapon or an increase in one of your stats or health. If you don't like your character or they are doing badly you can always create a new one, but you never know if at level 4 you are gonna get some really good perk and win more often. I have 5 brutes because I am addicted.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I just made level 4. My record is awful, though. I lose two out of my three battles every day that I play.
try picking opponents with weak stats in strength and middle range in health. Those with high health are hard to beat and those with low health have pets which are also tough to beat.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
RichT said:
Level 4 baby!!!

Me too. I recruited a boat load of fighters and that really helped push me along. The navigation between fighters is a little clunky but at least you can get in more than 3 fights a day.


Staff member
NJRC Member
went to go playnd was told Flasher player out date. I clicked the update link and installed it but I still can't play. Keeps showing FP out of date. Anyone know how to fix this?