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So I figured id report back on my tank because I have been absent for a bit. when I last spoke on my tank I was at a point where I waa trying to figure out what I needed to do in order to get better results..
I wish I could say things were going good but honestly I'm still having problems. corals dieing off and others not looking as full, I just dont know what the cause is as far as water chemistry goes the only thing that stands out is high nitrates though my tanks always have had nitrate issues .. starting to get fusterated not because I'm losing corals but because I just cant figure out what I am doing wrong or what it is I need to do to make my tank flourish .. sadly because of the issues with the tank I am just not having as much enjoyment as I once was when I look at my tank it gives me anxiety now because I feel like I am failing and don't,know how to turn it around.
wish I knew what the problem was


NJRC Member
I was at that same point years ago and finally after about a year it started to bounce back. My issue was an awful brownish algae outbreak (even growing on glass), no nitrates or phosphates in the readings (but as we know they were just being eaten by the algae). Water changes, GFO, nothign seemed to work. I was running GFO, but apparently not enough. Somebody told me to change is more and after a month of changing it out every couple days it started to lessen the algae, but it still took time. Doesn't everything in this hobby.

Since the Nitrates are the one parameter that are off, maybe just commit to getting them lower and see if anything else improves. Good luck. This hobby can certainly test your patience.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
@Jeremy Brito the key is patience. i learned it the hard way and learned again just this weekend. you cant react immediately yo things you see nothing sudden works in this hobby... the only thing you can control is the water parameters. keep them rock solid and constant(did you get that ATO set up?) and let everything else handle itself.

Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
If you feel it's a chemical issue but can't quite nail it down I'd recommend having a Triton or ATI test done. They can test things most of us can't.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Agreed this hobby can be a PITA at times. Patience is the key and logging things down helps. I try to log new additions, testing, maintenance, etc. This way when things start to go downhill I can look back and try yo see where. Sometimes helps others not. Four months back I had Dinos nothing new added or any changes. Why did it happen I have no clue but sought help and cross my fingers is gone for now. Hang in there.
@Jeremy Brito the key is patience. i learned it the hard way and learned again just this weekend. you cant react immediately yo things you see nothing sudden works in this hobby... the only thing you can control is the water parameters. keep them rock solid and constant(did you get that ATO set up?) and let everything else handle itself.
Patience... i wish i still had some ive been holding off from doing anything major for months hoping that leaving it alone for alittle it would balance out but still no luck.. as for the ATO unfortunately the lovely people at UPS lost it not even a sorry from them, Marcus was very helpful though and i thank him for trying but i am back to searching for a ATO at the moment.
As for the flow i might add another power head but i feel there is decent flow at the moment. the lighting i still have my concerns about .