Glad to hear you got it started. After Sandy, I converted my generator to a tri-fuel carburetor. Runs on Propane, natural gas, and gasoline. The benefit is propane never goes bad and will not gunk your engine up as gasoline does. Worth the cost when you need it.
Our whole house 20kW system is ready to go for the power outage, but it too requires maintenance. Every 100 hours of operation you still have to change oil, filters and such, but that is simple.
It runs once a week for 20 minutes too to cycle through. Basically you should have it tuned up once a year if you don't want to do it yourself. Daily durning Sandy, shut down checked oil and started back up. After I changed oil etc. But then had someone come in and tune it up last year. I got a GE 10KW runs the whole house..but it is high effiencieny appliances, gas heat, and never ran the AC full on with it.I used my generator once in 3 years now. SO I will take the 100 hour maintenance any day.
What have you got, a Generac?