• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


Title says it. Anyone do it? A friend introduced me to it and I found it to be quite fun. Wife is getting me a good handheld gps for the holidays. Sorry people, no reef stuff.



Officer Emeritus
I was introduced to it by someone lurking around one of my favorite fishing spots. He explained what he was doing and eventually found the geocache stashed near by, it contained a log of all the seekers who found it. From that point on I would see people look for something but wouldn't say a word to them thinking I knew what they were looking for. Unfortunately Sandy destroyed the hiding spot of the geocache. I suspect a lot of them in the shore area were lost.
I have been doing for a few years. Mostly when I go to a new place. It's fun way to get the kids hiking, but ones around urban areas are pretty cool.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
i did for sometime when i was in high school and early college. definitely fun way to explore a new area.
There was one in an adjacent town that was tucked between the opposing street signs disguised as a chewed up piece of bubblegum. Pulled it off (was fake) and the magnet that attached it also held a micro container to sign in. Pretty cool!
A few years ago I did this. I still have an account if you want check out "cachekestral". Planning to try it again once the kids get older. Maybe we setup a REEF KEEPER theme cache.

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