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Getting rid of hitchhiker zoa's is there another way?

Lots of hitchhiker zoas and palys have been sprouting all over my rock. This may be a dumb question, but is there any way to get rid of them other than cutting them off?
You can use Joes Juice or Aptisia X on them works the same more or less, not really eco friendly :-[ but it works.
I do have some aiptasia starting to sprout so i guess i'll kill two birds with one stone. Where can i get it in NJ?
Kalkwasser paste should work...
Mix up a small slurry and shoot it with a syringe in the mouth and they should melt...
But that is mean...
I would cut em off and frag them and give em away to other reefers...
tbone212371 said:
Kalkwasser paste should work...
Mix up a small slurry and shoot it with a syringe in the mouth and they should melt...
But that is mean...
I would cut em off and frag them and give em away to other reefers...

I have no problem fragging them. Just don't want to go through the effort and find out i can't give them away. I'm probably going to wait a little longer though as they're still coloring up and I would hate to dispose of an awesome paly, especially since this weekend i'll be setting up my seahorse and zoo tank...
do u have any pics. I'm interested nonetheless. Going with a all softies 55g. Going to have some rics, shrooms, a couple of different leathers, Zoas, and gorgonians. I think that will be a sweet looking tank. Anybody else got some unwanted polyps, etc, they don't want?
