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GigaGallon Club

Once I hook up my new tank to my system I will have ~480 gal volume. Other than Carlo, how many have passed the 1000 gallon mark?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We've got a mere 550 in our main system (supported by 55g topoff and 55g water change drums). We also have 75 in a separate system.

I don't have any desire to go any bigger at this point!
PMolan said:
Once I hook up my new tank to my system I will have ~480 gal volume. Other than Carlo, how many have passed the 1000 gallon mark?

Hey, you could still get to 1000g before me depending on how you figure the volume. It also depends on how you count the tanks. In my sig the total system volume includes a couple of small tanks used for growout and/or displays that aren't connected to the main system. So while I do have 1000+ gallons of tank space, I don't have it all connected together as one system.

If I remove the smaller tanks from my total and then use true "gallonage" of the tanks (ie. 123.4g for a 125g, 261.8g for the 265g, etc) and then backout water volume for all the live rock and sand in the main system I'd come out at about 770 gallons of "true water" in my main system with about 150 gallons in separate systems. The rock and sand alone take up about 100 gallons of water space.

There's a pretty cool calculator you can use at http://home.comcast.net/~jdieck1/volcalc.html that will calculate the true water volume in your tanks. Using this calculator for my main system I arrive at 770 gallons of "true water" for my main system which is also what I use to calculate any chemical dosage/additions I add to the tanks.

I also have 44g top off, 44g Salt & 44g Kalk drums attached to the main system but not counted in any totals.

So if you talk about "true water volume of one interconnected system" I'm not at 1000 gallons YET. Maybe next week. :) Of course if you talk "generically" using just the tank sizes themselves not taking into consideration of water displacement for rock and sand then I'm at 1000g now.


PS I still plan on connecting a couple of my smaller tanks into the main system and adding at least one more 265g later this summer. I'll probably end up around 1500 gallons of tank space with around 1200 gallons of "water volume" when all is said and done.


I have a cool 100 gallons since my floor won't support anymore. When I eventually get a house with a basement, I will be eclipsing the cool 120 gallon club :) (addding a fuge)


>500 gallons is too much for me, I don't want to imagine the electric bills for a system that huge...
I am going the other way.
I had around 600-700 going at one time and by the end of this weekend I will have two 90s going.
I will be posting the results of my ELECTRIC bill when all settles down
