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Go big or flood your house

So lets try this again with a brand,new build.
The tank: 90 gallon OcEaniC bow front
The system: Bubble Magus skimmer, Proflex sump
Bought,new tank... Moved the,beast extreme oh carefully to my,house tank is,heavy and massive.

Added the sand bed and,60 gallons of,freshly made water, the remaining 30 will be added to the system tomorrow from the water used and,saved from the previous,tank
You could always throw in some Marine pure blocks to help with the filtration. I II second T5s pick up a cheap fixture put in some ATI bulbs and you're good to go


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
that figure 8 puffer is cool...i had one that i acclimated to fresh water tank a while back
that figure 8 puffer is cool...i had one that i acclimated to fresh water tank a while back
Ya he was in a marine tank and they eventually grow out of the fresh water and require salt. I herd and had experiences with puffers being hard to get eating but this guy loves to eat. I just picked up a mandarin .. Understanding there diet requirments I am tryingblive black worms andnwhite worms as I herd people have had sucsess. The black worms I hear have to be directly placed in front of them so they see them move a bit and,decide to take a bite
Just did some water chemistry.. But I am no rocket scientist lol perhaps you guys can,give your thoughts
Calcium: 320 ppm
Kh Alk: 15 Dkh
Phosphate: 0.03ppm
Nitrate: 5 ppm
Ph: 7.7
Magnesium: 1260 ppm
Iron: between 0 and .05 ppm
Potassium: 440 ppm
Iodine: 0.06 ppm
The two numbers that may be slightly off are calcium and the nitrate how ever the only number that raises concern is the nitrate at this time