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Good Dry Rock to Use?

It was what the store had at the time and convenience

Can I simply put the new cube in a five gallon bucket with salt water and a powerhesd to begin getting bacteria ? Or

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Yes sir just think of the bucket as a tank and do it the same way


NJRC Member
would the marine pure cubes / balls would in a biocube in the champer or on a media rack in there? and do you replace or wash them ever?
would the marine pure cubes / balls would in a biocube in the champer or on a media rack in there? and do you replace or wash them ever?

I don’t know the biocube. Hopefully someone else does. But marine pure recommends gently rincing them in rodi water as needed. But I’m sure that’s different for everyone
Cycling them in a bucket works for sure. I had about 80 pounds of dry rock in my rubbermade bin with the top over it for months and it worked. A heater, wave maker and had some rock from a established tank to help seed it. All I really did from there was throw cheap fish flakes time from time. I did notice that when the ammonia got too high, it stalled and didn't change for a few weeks, i thought it was just slow but when I did a water change out of curiously if it helped, BAM! Few days later nitrites sky rocketed and then nitrates followed along. This chart seemed to be fairly accurate.

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NJRC Member
I had aiptasia I got a few peppermint shrimp and a copper band no more aptasia.
I don’t think you need to tear down your tank and get rid of rocks and bio media for aiptasia.
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