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got a new Trigger Triton sump for a steal !!


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NJRC Member
BRS had this almost $500 sump for only $232.50 last week!! I jumped on it quick and now its here !! hope to set it up by this weekend. I'm not even doing the Triton method, I just like the huge fuge area.

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NJRC Member
nice score, i did the same. for some reason they had the triton 26 v2 on sale for 180 from nearly 400. snatched it up as well. its arriving today.... guess ill setup my 40 breeder i have no need for....wife is gonna kill me. i hope i get home before the ups man does to hid the evidence
nice score, i did the same. for some reason they had the triton 26 v2 on sale for 180 from nearly 400. snatched it up as well. its arriving today.... guess ill setup my 40 breeder i have no need for....wife is gonna kill me. i hope i get home before the ups man does to hid the evidence
im currently in the early stages ,where my wife is not happy about my new hobby, but im trying to use reverse psychology and get her "involved" lol ... but when she finds out i spent 800 dollars ( so far) on a tank that only cost $170 she is gonna be perplexed for sure lol
Shame I didnt notice that sale. I would have skipped the 40B sump.

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I had no idea they were on sale. I went and checked this morning at 11 AM and none were left:grumpy:
yea, BRS loves to send me ads, otherwise I never would have seen it. next time.

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