Looks like growth to me. If you can snap a picture when the rest of the lights are on. Many SPS have a different color in the new growth such as tips of SPS.
Looks like growth to me. If you can snap a picture when the rest of the lights are on. Many SPS have a different color in the new growth such as tips of SPS.
Think about leaves on a tree. when they first bud and open they are a very light green. as they mature they darken
When corals bleach, you mentioned bottom to top. Is that a good way to judge vs growth white?
Wouldn't bleaching be when the coral loses it's color from excessive light or lack of nutrients / combo of both, vs when skin peels off being STN or RTN?
I looks bleached to me once the skin is gone
I've bleached many pieces and had them color back up in a few weeks time. You can get sps to lose it's color, turn white, but still have flesh and polyps. That's what I thought bleaching was defined or referred as. STN and RTN is tissue necrosis whereas bleaching occurs when the zooxanthellae leaves the body.