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Have these creatures clinging to my front glass…


NJRC Member
Hey all have a 32 bioCube that I started with older live rock I had sitting in a circulation brute for a while. Then these guys started appearing. I know I have lots of pods already in there but unsure what these critters are…

many help is appreciated.


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NJRC Member
not sure what those are but is that a black and yellow clown?
how unique!
Variety of Maroon Clownfish called Gold Stripe Maroons.
They can get bigger than most other clowns and are beautiful!
Just got the smaller one a week ago and he was the male in a breeding pair in which his female was chased from the tank by another fish. So he should be a good mate to the large female I already had. Fingers crossed.
First time I see those creatures Eric, curious to find out what they are.
When you think you’ve seen it all in this hobby it always surprise you.