• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Heads up RAP


SPS Grow Out Winner
Bought a pink diamond zoa frag from tank breakers and it had 2 nudibranches. Dip your corals!

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diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
My suggestion is when ever possible when buying any coral(s) is to remove frags from the plug it comes on, dip/rinse, place it on a new plug and quarantine....doesn't matter if its from RAP, local/mailorder LFS or friend's tank.

Hope you all have a great time at rap and came home with some great treasures


NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner
Definitely have to dip stuff coming from RAP. My elegance had a bunch of nasty worms and pods that came off it.

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My suggestion is when ever possible when buying any coral(s) is to remove frags from the plug it comes on, dip/rinse, place it on a new plug and quarantine....doesn't matter if its from RAP, local/mailorder LFS or friend's tank.

Hope you all have a great time at rap and came home with some great treasures

+1 always deep, no matter where the frag is coming from.

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yeah I bought a gold torch from mod corals and it had some big worms on it with some eggs... Currently sitting in QT for at least a month. lol


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
imo quarintine frag if you can And see what lives off the coral . As a hitchhiker/Might be something good. if not trash it
Was there today, and was really disappointed. It is all too obvious that the majority (not all!) Of the vendors there are either amateurs trying to make some cash out of there house, or cater to the inexperienced, people who will buy without noticing.

The gem tangs on display looked absolutely dreadful. Even at the super low price (1/3 of what wholesalers sell them to lfs for), people were not tempted enough.

The corals, with the exception of a few dealers, looked like hacked up wild colonies. I saw dealers dipping there frags before going into baggies, to me that would be an immediate red flag, but o suppses of all was healthy and nothing died, the follow up business wouldn't occur
I didn't make it this year since I just moved into my new place... from what I've read here and some other forums, the above seemed to be the norm :(
Not looking forward to next year at this point; I'll continue my rapport with the vendors I've been using and trust!
I got a frogspawn from one of the vendors (dont remember name) really cheap, upon inspection there was all kinds of crap growing on it. Dip solved all kinds, tho I had to off a brittle star.
Only vendor that seemed really sketchy to me was the fish factory that was right next to NJRC booth... Sounds like people here mostly had good luck with them, but their area had that smell, like when you get a bag of dead snails in the mail.

Really liked the vendor from PA that was selling corals that ha students grew to support the club. Would love to set something like that up in my town.
Anyone deal with online :"Ridgeline Aquatics" ? Was hoping they would have been at ReefP. they say on their site that they sell 5th to 7th generation corals from frags so virtually no parasites/pests on corals you buy from them. Here is their website :


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Only vendor that seemed really sketchy to me was the fish factory that was right next to NJRC booth... Sounds like people here mostly had good luck with them, but their area had that smell, like when you get a bag of dead snails in the mail.

Really liked the vendor from PA that was selling corals that ha students grew to support the club. Would love to set something like that up in my town.
That was the pets warehouse, those dudes were a hot mess. They kept flooding out booth. Friday their tanks caused the tables to bow which left us in a swimming pool of water when we got there. Sunday they caused an electrical short on their booth. They also had fish sitting in bags throughout the event, most of them seemed half dead