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HELLO from Club-Zoa!!

Welcome Rev , your site is awesome , hey how about some shots of your tank and some zoos :eek: , so that the other half goes banana .


NJRC Member
Excellent site, Rev. I saw you had an arcade and had to quickly tear myself away. Gotta start school. ;) Will go back and look it over again another time though. ;D
Hey guys thanks for the welcome!! ;D

Here are a few shots of some stuff just cause you asked for it... :D I'll post some more if you want to see more..









Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Excellent photos, Rev. What camera is that? What lens are you using, etc?
Hey Phyllis! How are you today? :D

Thanks for the compliment and to answer your question I am shooting with a Canon Rebel XT and a Canon 100mm 2.8 macro. The key to these photos being good is the lens and a tripod! :D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
WOW! Great pics Rev! Phyl, I think we need to sell the camera and seriously consider taking up bee keeping.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
*cough* Not another Rebel in the house! *cough*

Hey Rev, I put up a post to you after MACNA over on CZ...

I saw you at MACNA but I finished the conversation I was having and then went looking for you and didn't see you.

You should have stopped by the MOB and said hi!

I couldn't believe I didn't see you again all weekend after that!
Uh oh one of these Nikon vs Canon places huh?? LOL! I love it!

Phyl sorry to say but it wasn't me! :) I seen your post but thought you were talking to somebody else because I wasn't there. 8) I will be at this next one for sure.

Curious, why did you think it was me?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would have sworn it was you! There was a guy and a gal in CZ shirts, that looked JUST like the picture you posted of "you and your girlfriend"... maybe THAT wasn't really you?! LOL! That guy & his GF looked way too much like you then.

I got to chat with Aaron a bit from AA. It was nice seeing him again and getting a chance to BS about the BS, lol. Remember Brenden? LOL.
Well i know several people got shirts and wore them at the event. I have a feeling it was smarsh who is a member at CZ. Here is a pic of me and my wife...


And for giggles.....



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeah that's the picture I was thinking of when I saw the 2 in CZ shirts. But alas, my eyesight must have been playing tricks on me. I'm pretty sure it was Saturday morning... and as those who went to MACNA can attest, Saturday morning was ugly for A LOT of us!! Ouch!

Looking forward to meeting up with you in Atlanta for MACNA XX!
Yes for sure! We will have to go have lunch with a bunch of people from here at CZ. :D It's only 80 mles from me so I will def be there. ;)