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Help trouble with glass panel in aquarium...Please help =(

Good morning fellow memebers,

Things couldn't go from good to bad in quick instance. Suck but let me explain what happening. I received a Marineland 300 Deep Dimensions tank from a friend. While bring in the tank to the house the back panel of this tank has crack.
I'm looking for some guidance or advice on how to replace this panel asap. Do any reef memebers know of any aquarium business or glass comapny local in New Jersey or New York area that can replace or cut a new for this tank.
Thank you for your and any information and advice would be highly helpful.
I Called a few to do an aquarium repair and none would touch it, and I just wanted to repair the front seams and add glass braces on top. Probably better off replacing the tank, since replacing a panel is time consuming and no guarantee the glass seals will hold,


NJRC Member
A few thoughts...
~~~ The biggest problem with simply replacing a panel is the unpleasant fact that silicone DOES NOT adhere to silicone very well (if at all).
~~~ One way to separate siliconed glass pieces is with "piano wire".
~~~ There is a nasty solvent that can be used to dissolve silicone - Klean Strip Xylene (available at Home Depot). It is nasty because you can kill yourself using it indoors (and maybe even outdoors).
~~~ One possible fix would be to disassemble the tank, completely remove 100% of the silicone, and then completely rebuild it with a replacement piece of glass.
~~~ You don't mention the severity/location of the crack. Is there any chance you could silicone a piece of glass over the crack on the inside of the tank?
~~~ You could always sell it to someone with a 10 foot Boa Constrictor...


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
+1 and +1 on above posts.
Sell it as a reptile tank.
They will cover it with vines or a stone simulated panel and throw a snake or chameleon in there.
And these guys/gals would be happy with a deal on a tank on craigslist, they usually purchase those big tanks at full price.

But, if you want a repair panel, depending n locatin, there is a company in Brick that does custom glasswork (and has an employee into the saltwater gig). They've cut a few panels for me BUT I've never used them to replace a side panel. THey're simply called Brick Glass Inc.
thanks for the input guys I did find a local glass shop near the area and order a panel. I am glad to report with the new panel in and reassemble the tank with euro style bracing both the bottom and top of the tank. As well as cutting the 1' inch bulkhead into a 2'. I should be up and be running by December.