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Help!!! Trying to set up new RR tank, plumbing, WATER LEAKING..

Ugh... feeling very overwhelmed and freaking out right now.

Got my used 70g oceanic RR tank last week. Built my rock structure with dry marcorocks and got sand & the rocks in the tank... glued the one piece the previous owner recommended and made sure everything was tight. Started filling it last night and got it upto the point where it would go into the overflow saving that for today. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for rinsing the sand so well as it was crystal clear when I went to bed last night.

Woke up today to cloudy yellow water (guess there were far more organics trapped in the dry rock then I figured) so now I have a slightly stinky yellow tinted box of water to deal with.

I double check the plumbing and start to add more water, it's flowing into the overflow and fills it up, starts coming out into the sump (no leaks) I get enough water into the sump to turn on the return pump and BOOM water starts leaking badly out of where the hose from the overflow goes into a elbow and into the intake bulkhead on the sump. I quickly unplugged the return and as soon as the water dropped low enough it stopped draining.

From what I can see looking at it the previous owner didn't have this glued/sealed in any way so I'm not sure why it's leaking for me... not knowing any better I tried to use pvc glue on it... well apparently the hose end isn't made from PVC because the glue wouldn't hold.

I don't know what to do. I have zero experience with overflows/plumbing/sumps and if I flood the house my husband is going to kill me. HELP!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Agreed. It's generally easier and less of a PIA to just rerun everything than try and refit old plumbing. That's been my experience anyway.
Intake bulkeah in the sump? Elbow on that line? That some strange plumbing if my mental picture is correct. This is the first time I hear that someone uses an intake bulkhead from overflow into sump. Assuming you have simple standard setup of sump below the tank, there is no need for any elbows because they can severely restrain water flow (depending on the diameter, up to 30%). Can you send pics or diagram of your plumbing.
I'm sure I'm not explaining it right, sorry newbie to all this. I will go snap a few photos right now so you guys know what I'm talking about. :)

Also, while I'm doing that... anyone familiar with the megaflow overflows on the oceanic/all-glass) it has the kit that you can buy with it, are those "pipes" supposed to be secured/glued down to the holes inside the tank or just pressed in place (god I'm sure noone has any idea what I'm talking about LOL) here's a link... http://www.all-glass.com/products/aquariums/megaflow.shtml second photo, mine is a center overflow but same pipework... are those supposed to be just pushed into the bottom bulkheads or glued some how?

Off to get some photos!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You don't need to glue any of the pipes inside the overflow. They all just get press fit (both drain and return lines).
Ok here are some photos:



So where the hose is going into the elbow and then into the sump is where I'm having leaking. The hose itself is very securely attached up at the drain. I assume I could just bypass the bulkhead all together and just stick the hose into the sump?

As for the pipes inside the overflow is it normal for them to drip water? IE I have the water level in the overflow low now, below the intake screen on the pipe but I'm still having some dripping out of that hose so I'm assuming its coming from where the pipe fits into the drain?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The way that normally works is that you glue a piece of 1" PVC in that elbow. Then the drain hose (ribbed pool hose) goes over that 1" piece and is snugged on with a hose clamp.

Since there's already glue and primer in that elbow, it may not seal well anymore. You could do one of two things: Either replace the elbow entirely or use some really thick glue (like Rain R Shine) to make the new connection.
I have another elbow & pvc... but I'm getting lost where you say that the drain hose (ribbed thing) goes over the 1" piece and is snugged on with a hose clamp. The end of the ribbed drain hose is solid so I don't see how a hose clamp would work with it?

Is the glue you mentioned something that would bond the end of the drain hose to the pvc for a good seal? Ie could I replace the elbow, put some glue on the end of the drain hose and push it into the elbow and in theory have no leaking?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

The drain hose may feel solid, but actually it is slightly flexible. It is the same hose I use for my drain.

Like John said, you need to put a short piece of 1 inch PVC into the elbow and the hose will slide over the end of the pipe. If you dip the end of the hose in hot water, it will soften it up and make sliding it onto the pipe easier.

Here is a pic of my drain set up.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I've never seen an application where the end of the drain hose was glued into an elbow. I'm not saying it's never been done, but I just haven't seen it.

Believe it or not, there is a little flex in the end of that ribbed hose connection and a hose clamp tightens it right up.

Here some pics of mine. I'm tying into a drain line that drops into the basement but you should get the idea.

Line from tank overflow:


Tying into drain line going into basement.

Thank you for the photo, that helped. But here is my new problem. Either the pvc used in my tank was wrong or the hose is wrong. If you see my first photo of the drain the end of the hose is going INSIDE of that connector (sorry don't know the correct term) I just checked and sure enough it wasn't secured either (another leak waiting to happen) and at the sump it was going INSIDE again. If I add a short piece of PVC to the drain part and to a new elbow my hose won't work at all as the end diameter is the same as the pvc that would fit into the connector (does that make sense?)

Do the hoses come in different sizes? Maybe I can just trash this hose and go get a new one that would fit over and allow me to clamp? (lowes/hd?)

thanks guys!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yes it does come in different sizes. The 1 1/4 inch is the size that fits over the 1 inch PVC, it also comes in 1 1/2 inch size.

I got mine from a pool supply store, a 3 foot section was around $20 if I remember right.
After re-looking at your photos, if you remove that coupler piece, on the bottom of the tank, that the hose is sliding into then the hose should slide directly over the PVC pipe.

With the elbow on the sump, if you glue a piece of 1 inch PVC into the elbow, then the hose will slide over that. They are very close to the same size, that is why you'll want to soak the end of the hose in warm water and then you can get it over the pipe. It is easier if you get one side of the hose on at an angle and then work the other side over. It is a very tight fit, but it will go on.
If you are going to the store, you may think about buying spa-flex hose instead as that can be glued with the PVC glue. I would suggest that if you are going to do that, you also buy a union and put it in line about 1/2 way between the elbow on your sump and the line coming from the overflow, in the event you even need to disconnect it.

I know some folks use the type of hose you have in your pic but I find they have a tendency to accumulate gunk inside of them due to the heavy ribbing..

Good luck with your project!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
KathyC said:
I know some folks use the type of hose you have in your pic but I find they have a tendency to accumulate gunk inside of them due to the heavy ribbing..

Good luck with your project!
The hose I use from the pool store isn't ribbed on the inside, it's smooth. The stuff I saw at HD or Lowes is sold by the foot and had the ribbing inside.
Thanks for the info, yikes sounds like this is getting more complicated by the min LOL

Kathy: if I get the spa-fex hose (pool supply store too?) would you still recommend getting the size that fits over the 1" piece and gluing that or would you go with the smaller size and then glue it on the inside of the connectors (how it is in the photos but using the correct hose & glue)?

Ugh I'm so confused LOL
panmanmatt said:
After re-looking at your photos, if you remove that coupler piece, on the bottom of the tank, that the hose is sliding into then the hose should slide directly over the PVC pipe.

With the elbow on the sump, if you glue a piece of 1 inch PVC into the elbow, then the hose will slide over that. They are very close to the same size, that is why you'll want to soak the end of the hose in warm water and then you can get it over the pipe. It is easier if you get one side of the hose on at an angle and then work the other side over. It is a very tight fit, but it will go on.

The coupler isn't going anywhere unless I cut it off LOL however the hose I have is in no way/shape/form going to fit over a 1" pipe anyways. I just took it and soaked in hot water (I see it did get softer) but wasn't fitting over... so I put it in boiling water for a couple mins... when I tried to get it over the 1" pvc it just started tearing a bit but would not fit, it must be 1" itself so I'll regretfully have to get a new one (mine is smooth inside too)

Thanks for everyone's help, I'll post photos once I get the right hose and clamps.
I hear your confusion Candi! Spa flex hose should be available at Lowes (don't know if you folks have Ace Hardware stores in Jersey..they also sell it).

You'd be looking to glue it to the inside of the pvc fittings.
What size are the fittings coming off the overflows and what size it that elbow on the sump?

Don't forget the union! :eek:
Kathy: thank you (got the PM too) don't laugh but I have no idea what size the fittings are, other then that they take a 1" into them (so are they considered 1"?)

If I go with the spaflex I think I need 1" to fit into the fitting and elbow and if I go with the tubing like I have 1 1/4" to fit over the 1" pipe.

union.. yes I'll look into that as well!
call me..I'm actually heading to NJ shortly to meet up with a couple of reefers...maybe you are on the way to where I'm going!