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Help with aptasia and green hair algae

Looking for some advice please, been ignoring the growing problem that I have lots of aptasia and now newer issue gha getting long In my 14 gallon bio cube. Thoughts on using Peppermint Shrimp, Emerald crab, tux urchin, nudibranch (do they have to be pairs)? I have 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp and had a tailspot blenny that controlled algae for along time but he disappeared one day 6 mos ago and the clowns take out any new fish added so don’t think a filefish or blenny gonna be possible at this point. Cuc of blue/red hermits, turbo/astrea/nassarius snails. Some pics attached.


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As for GHA manual removal first and concentrate on getting your nutrients down. I had an issue and after trying everything the last option for me was Vibrant. It worked amazing. As for the aptasia not sure, never had to deal with it. There are natural ways to get rid of it. Like you suggested, peppermint shrimp. Try natural before you consider any chemical to rid the problem though. Nothing happens fast whatever you choose will take time.
What are your water parameters?


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Nutrients in check - agree. Can does peroxide 1ml per 10g and the GHA will turn white and easy to remove.
Aptasia - Try Aptasia-X but you have many so not really an option because its manual per each one.
Can you remove or isolate the clowns and and a file fish, nudi, etc.?

Jamie S

NJRC Member
For GHA I used FluxRx with good results and boosted my CUC.
For Aptasia I've had success with peppermint shrimp and a filefish. I lost my filefish a few years ago and haven't seen any of my peppermint shrimp since the upgrade so I have to order more. For the time being i mix up a kalk slurry and blast them with that when i start seeing some pop up.


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hard to find but these supposedly eat aptasia.

Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)​



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This might be considered overkill, but with a 14g biocube, I would just buy new rock and start over with that. Try and cut off some of the corals, but that is a pretty bad infestation.

A pair of mated clowns in a biocube are going to be jerks, you can look at re homing them and getting some other fish or just living with the clowns.


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A few months back I had an aphasia outbreak in my 40g that was pretty bad, as the SOBs were mostly behind the rocks.
Did as Mnat advised. Moved the old rock to one side.
Took a bunch of clean rock and cycled it (about 70% in the tank it was going into) for 6 weeks.
Removed all old rock and then just re-scaped with the new rock in under good parameters.
Looks good, all groovy.
Removed rock being re-cycled in case it happens again.
Easy fix in small tank. My new go-to solution.