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Help with aquascaping

Im looking for advice/help...I plain ol' suck at aquascaping...and if anyone in the South Jersey area would like to come over and lend a hand for a few min. I would appreciate it. (08030) I only have a 55gallon with no coral in it as of now..Im looking to do a LPS/softie tank...Ill get pics of my current setup in a few min. I just have a complete lack of creativity when it comes to this stuff...
This is the current way it looks...I kinda like the left side...but I am still unsure about the right side...and then there is the REALLY big piece of rock that I can't figure out what to do with it...






One recommendation I'd make is to move the rock far enough away from the side glass to allow a mag float to slide in and out of there for cleaning.
you could always hit the big boy with a hammer, and the "flat" rocks make good "shelves" or roofs to caves if not both at the same time ;D
You could always build a wall on the back glass just start about 5" in from both sides as stated earlier so you can keep the sides of your tank clean. You can start with some smaller peices on the bottom in a diamond shape then place larger pieces on top then build up using the flat peices to top off to make cave tops. It will give your fish plenty of caves to explore and if you decide to go with a sun coral or chilli coral you can attach them underneath the top of the cave roof they like to be in dark areas. Just make sure that when you pile your rock that it feels secure you may want to use reef epoxy to help lock in the rock. You will have plenty of room in the front for coals etc.
One of the "tricks" to good aquascapeing is that you want the rocks to look like they are a natural formation, rather than something you set up. You did ok with that on the left side. However, the right side doesn't look that way.

As I have said before, aquascapeing is very subjective. My choice would be to combine the center rock you have standing alone with the rest of rocks on the right. Use the large flat pieces to make caves and also keep them at an angle. Then build up from there.
in my opinion - even the "best" architect is going to have a tough time 'scaping a 55. At 13inches front to back depth - you just are going to have to compromise on certain areas.

Do you have a sump? I'd see about moving the big piece down into the sump if you find it awkward to aquascape.
ok..I sat back today and re-did my aquascaping..I think this looks more natural and I like it more...There seems to be some nice spots for coral to go once I start buying them...(or donations ;D)




That looks good I still would of moved the rock away from the glass so you can get a mag float in to clean the glass but if your not worried about the sides then your ok.
I would try and keep space from the sides so it could allow fish more hiding spaces also .Plus room for Mag float as someone has already said.


FYI, in the last picture it looks like your lemon peel angel has taken a liking to the small brain coral (trachyphyllia) on the bottom. He will probably keep nipping at it until it dies. Sorry.

Other than that the tank looks great. Good luck
Wow :eek: you really got the hang of it fast. Nice job but just to state I would move the edges in away from the wall...then use those rocks to build up a little.
ya..I saw that about the lemonpeel...and it stinks too..I wanted to do a LPS tank...I gotta figure out if I want to keep the fish or do the LPS tank...I know I cant do both :(
Embowe said:
ok..I sat back today and re-did my aquascaping..I think this looks more natural and I like it more...There seems to be some nice spots for coral to go once I start buying them...(or donations ;D)


The new aquascape is a tremendous improvement! The three flat pieces on the right sill look a little "man made" but once you put a few corals on top, they will look fine. As for edges against the side, that all depends. Some people like to scrape it clean when they clean the front glass. I'm lazy, and just let coraline and other algaes cover the sides. I figure it's also a source of food for the livestock.

It is difficylt to aquascape a 55, but it can be done. If you were doing everything from scratch, I'd say get a wider tank, but it's a little hard to tell someone to upgrade a new system. If you do want to upgrade, you could use the 55 as a sump.

BTW, if the large rock is a problem, and you can't aquascape with it, a few blows with a hammer will make it into somaller rocks.