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High Nitrate Help

My tank’s nitrates are consistently high and I have no idea why. All of my coral is thriving and the same with my fish (knock on wood). I use an API test kit and I’m wondering about the validity of that brand/test. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I included a pic of my tank as of today.IMG_1280.JPG

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Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
It could be the test kit but the best advice I can give you is don't chase numbers. If the tank is doing great then just leave it be LOL. The more we mess with things the more trouble we get into.

BTW: We run high nutrients on all the tank. Phosphates average .1 and Nitrates are between 80-100 on any given day.

A fed coral is a happy coral :)


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
The tank looks great I wouldn't bother with that too much
It could be the test kit but the best advice I can give you is don't chase numbers. If the tank is doing great then just leave it be LOL. The more we mess with things the more trouble we get into.

BTW: We run high nutrients on all the tank. Phosphates average .1 and Nitrates are between 80-100 on any given day.

A fed coral is a happy coral :)

+1 on what Mark said, don’t chase numbers.
What’s the NO3 level?

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Water change if needed my guess is there is a dead spot in,the tank were stuff collects other then that the tank looks nice way betyer then mine at the,moment... But mine is a shattered dream of a tank unfortunately.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Explain High? Like stated above don't chase numbers. If your tank was having an issue the fish and corals would show.

About the test kit themselves.

I did a video where I compare API, Red Sea, and Saltifate kits. I found these kits all were in range of each other but when I number was off it was the API that seemed to be the most off. My suggestion is if you are having a problem and can't figure out the cause with the API kit then try a different kit. If your tank is doing good then sit back and enjoy it.
I totally agree with not chasing numbers, but definitely try a friend's test kit, maybe you have a faulty nitrate test. If visually all your corals are out and happy that is usually a great indicator.

I personally would throw some various species a macro algae in there, either in the display if you get enough of it that the fish won't destroy it, or somewhere in the tank system that it can help absorb some of those disolved organics. You could try a higher grade of carbon with ion exchanging resins to absorb it all out, maybe some chemipure?

Nitrates can appear like through thin air sometimes, some people have excess nitrates that are in their tap, and it could be nitrates are caught in your filtration medium. Do you have it go to a sump with bioballs or anything?