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Hockeynut's new 90 gal build

Have you tried removing the rock the nem is on from the tank?
We got one to move by removing the rock into a bucket of salt water, and the nem wasn't thrilled so it started walking around the bucket.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Nice meeting you rob. You're tank looks great! Your sons tank is pretty awesome as well. Some of the healthiest live stock I've seen in a while.


NJRC Member
Thanks a lot Kevin,
A little tank update,
I had a little alk swing this past week, my Alk dropped from 9 to 7 the last time i tested was almost 2 weeks ago. It had not moved from 9 in a couple months since i got my dosers. I have been moving my alk doser up a couple mins a day since the swing to try to correct and hopefully land at about 8. It's hard to tell if you don't look at the tank every day but I have seen a slight difference in the tank. I hope it doesn't turn into something serious.
Colors are a little off and some polyps aren't open as much as usual.
Other then that it seems fine


Officer Emeritus
Just bring it back up slowly rob. I hadnt changed the heads on my doser in way to long and the same thing happened to me. I just added a couple mils a day extra and slowly rasoed n over a few weeks. Took about a month for eveything to get back to normal.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


NJRC Member
Update! Update! Update!

Rob where are you!!?!!?

Yea, yea, yea, lol ju
It's been a long while since my last tank update and to be honest there wasn't to much to update. The tank was in cruise control for a long while until just recently.
As some of you may know I had that crazy alkalinity swing about two weeks ago and lost most of my coral, most of the zoanthids and palys survived but SPS not so much.
Now the tank is in recovery mode my numbers are pretty much down to normal and I started restocking the coral. One stupid mistake and a year and a half's worth of grow out dead in two days it's a terrible situation but not enough to keep me out of the hobby.
So with all of this happening I was contemplating switching the tank from 90 to 120 but just don't feel that the money is there right now to make the change I would have to do too much. From here on in I'm going to be on the search for some really nice SPS to replace some of the nicer pieces that I lost. I'll try to post a picture of the tank today when the lights come up this way there's a reference on what it look like before after and in the future.
Nice job, I built my house too. I was never in construction (train conductor) but know enough about it and have a couple of friends in that field. That was probably the craziest, hard and draining thing I have ever done. (Did it while working on call at railroad and taking classes online for biology. But it was also one of the things I am most proud of.

Sorry to go off topic lol, your tank and stand are looking great, can't wait to see updates.


NJRC Member
Update time,
Well the tank has stabilized to some point, but now I'm battling ciao bacteria at least that's what I think it is. It's red and slimy and can be sucked off the rocks with a siphon.
Here's some picks anyone with some advice please chime in. I have had only limited experience with this sort or stuff I guess I've been lucky.
Also in my frag tank connected to my sons 40 b Im dealing with hair algea but not in the 40 b I don't get it.
Also, a simple way to eliminate Hair Algae is to bump your Magnesium levels up to about 1800 ppm. You should see it turn white and die off very quickly. Use a supplement for it, but make sure you monitor your levels during.


NJRC Member
Being that I'm home today I figured it's time for a little update.
The tank is pretty stable now calcium is about 480 and alkalinity is around 7.6
I'm back to my normal dosing mode and it seems to be pretty stable so I decided to stop by Dr. Jim's for a couple of frags.
Here's a couple of pictures of the frag's and then full tank shots
Yellow microlades (think I spelled that right)
Pink Mille
Blue voodoo
Joe the coral(terrible pic best I could do with the phone)
Garf purple bonsi (from Edwin)
Full tank front and back
Diatoms also seem to be going away slowly seems the frequent water changes and use of gfo has really helped.:)

Don't know why the pics are upside down LOL
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