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Holy Moses!!!

Hello Friends,

As many of you heard today, just before we were going to leave to go to today's meeting, my dear huzbear, Philip, discovered a flood in our basement. We weren't sure of the cause...roots in the drain pipe? Vapor lock? The one thing we were sure of was that water and stuff was backing up from our utility sink, and overflowing to the floor. Once we managed to stop the flow of water back into the house, he decreed that we wouldn't worry about it until...tomorrow. Especially once we realized how much it would cost to have Roto-rooter come out on a Sunday...YIKES!

But fear not, there is good news! When we got home we discovered the problem had fixed it self, incluing the water on the floor! <phew> So we don't know if Moses came and parted our Red Sea or not, but either way all is well...for now. Ahhh...the joys of being a home owner. You know, sometimes this whole "being a grown up" really stinks!!!!

Cheers everyone, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Pete and Phil


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Whew! I'm glad the problem is "gone". Hopefully it doesn't "rear" its ugly head again!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have to believe we have some type of venting/airlock problem as this has been the 2nd time in 6 months this has happened. We then wait and do nothing, the flush all the toiliets at once the everything starts flowing again.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a big electric snake like Roto Rooter if you's want to borrow it sometime.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'd recommend checking that the system is properly vented and isn't blocked somewhere. Maybe the pipe on the roof is partially blocked or something along thoes lines.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mikem said:
I have a big electric snake like Roto Rooter if you's want to borrow it sometime.


Why doesn't this surprise me. Is there anything you don't have! :D

and the saga continues... This morning Phil checked before he left for work and the waters were rising again. It's time to call in reinforcements... In the meantime, I'm building an ark. Stay tuned...
Okay, the mystery is solved. After yet another evening of water rising and draining and rising again, and not being able to flush the toilets (ewwwwww), the problem is solved. It turns out there was a problem w/the city's sewer, which we discovered late last night when the water dept. trucks were out in the street making lots of noise while we tried to sleep. The good new is that all drains drain quickly and properly, toilets can be flushed, and our cellar is dry. <PHEW> NO $350 plumber bill for us!! (This time anyway....)

Happy Thanksgiving All!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I guess it could have been worse. You could have paid the $350 for the plumber to tell you that it was the city sewer system. ;)

ChefPete said:
Ahhh...the joys of being a home owner. You know, sometimes this whole "being a grown up" really stinks!!!!

I really understand that part. I never wondered how many tools and trips to HD or Lowes it takes to run a house, or just keep it from falling down!! ;D
Add fish to that, and you are entering a world of AAHHHHH!!!!!! ;D
Yes, I know all about that world of AAHAHHHHH! We're in it once again. Phil went down in the cellar this morning and guess what... He called the town immediately and they said "That was fixed, but we'll call the guys..." So no showers/toilets/etc. for us yet today. Good thing we're both off. Even better that we're not having a crowd coming tomorrow.

This is almost at that ridculous point... I'll keep you all posted...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
YIKES! That's a crappy roller coaster to be on! Good luck... yet again!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Phyl said:
YIKES! That's a crappy roller coaster to be on! Good luck... yet again!
Literally speaking :eek: Hope everything works out for you.

At the risk of jinxing us again, I have to say the "problem" seems to be fixed. After we both called the town yesterday and complained loudly and bitterly, we went out to run some errands. When we got home, the drains were all working properly. <phew> Happy Turkey All!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So far so good. I figure now I am blacklisted by the town as I have made 9 calls in 4 days.....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
As long as they finally have it all working, it will be worth it! Good luck!