• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

How do you like the board so far?

Well there is a few things I would like to say :) The first being this thread should not be in the announcements section but a site related section like "Site Related" You do not have this right now, at least for non members. SO please add it so people can make suggestions and you can post threads like this. Also I tried to renew my membership by clicking the link but it is BROKEN. Please note the errors:


o another thing is that your using host gator :) Please PM or email me as I would be willing to host the site for free. Since I am the lead graphic designer / programmer for Disney Interactive I would also like to help with some designs here. Logo, or at least remove the the default VB graphic set. :) I also own over 80 VB licenses and have set up as many sites, so mods, plugins, customs I can do. email me so I can help with the site. As you know I have been a member as long as I remember :) Lets add some features, nice graphics, and get us some free hosting. :) But if you done like any of that lets at least get us a section to talk about the site.


NJRC Member

We would love to take you up on the Graphic's help. And thanks for pointing out the broken link. I fixed the links. If you click the membership tab at the top of the site. You should be able to get your membership upgraded.

We just had a major issue and loss of a years worth of data from a "free host" Thank you for the offer to host for us. Host gator is not a huge expence but for us makes sence.

Please pm me your number and lets talk about Graphics and other features you have in mind.

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think that was generous of suprastan to offer all of those services. Lead designer at Disney? Who knew we had a celeb amongst us? :D Can't wait to see the graphic stuff you come up with.

Oh, btw, I mentioned the membership link error to Don a while ago. Guess he was too busy with hurricane issues to fix it. The nerve of some people! :cool:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Suprastan, Welcome back and thanks for the offer to help. Hope you had a great day celebrating your birthday today! Happy Birthday

I like beer! .