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how to add coral

When adding a coral what steps do you follow and over what time period? Is it the same as with fish?

After you place a coral in your tank how long do you wait for it to open up before moving it to a different location?

I added a frogspawn to my tank it opened about 20% and has not opened up any more. I placed it in the tank last night so in 12 hours it opened up no more than it did in the first 30 minutes. I was going to move it to an area of lower flow today if it does not open up more. Any advice would be appreciated.

Water parameters look good except Nitrate which is showing a reading the rest are zero or near ideal.



Staff member
NJRC Member
Max, can you list the parameter numbers. Also, what is in the tank fish wise as some pick on LPS?


NJRC Member
I would list out your numbers


Also, give us some details on lighting, how long system has been set up, and flow.

I know this seems like a big ask, but based on what you wrote, we need more info to narrow down the cause.


PS: To answer your initial question. I temp acclimate, dip, rinse in my water, and set the frag at the bottom of the tank or on a magnetic rack at the top (low par areas)


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I could be wrong but corals don’t need acclimation.
I just place corals in the tank.
you can find out what par that coral s being kept and try to match it from the vendor.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I could be wrong but corals don’t need acclimation.
I just place corals in the tank.
you can find out what par that coral s being kept and try to match it from the vendor.
Agree, I took it as treating for parasites or moving to new frag plug, or tank placement.