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how to catch a mini puffer in a reef tank?


NJRC Member
i got this EVIL fish (Jewel Puffer) in my big tank, i am sure he is the one that eating all my great color zoas!!

anyone have any suggestion how to get him out? a fish trap probably be a long shot, since i don't see him eating anything at all, and he is in between rocks 90% of the time.

thx for all comments and suggestions.


Is he aggressive at feed time? Does he go to the top to take the food? If he does how I caught a lot of my fish is I take my bowl I use to thaw out my food. And my guys know my bowl, put it right in the water and they will swim right in.
Nickjr000 said:
A real small fish hook and go fishin. It's the only way i got unwanted fish out of my reef
sadly enough, i think my boy nick is right... real small hook and maybe a crappy zoa on the end. have fun gettin him off the hook!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you do use a hook, make sure to take the barbs off it. It makes taking the hook out MUCH easier and will do less damage to the fish.
Pepperoni hahaha nice shipwreck! Yeah i use a hook for fly fishing it's barbless. Just don't let em swallow it try for the lip. I haven't damaged a fish yet. Actually I'm going fishin for my bicolor next week!


NJRC Member
thanks for all the ideas, and thx for the offer, and a small hook will work - as you can see he got a very small mouth? i will see what i can do...

- i never see him picking on any thing i fed.
- I never see him picking on any zoa either during the day time.
- i have tons of brown, green zoas, and he ONLY touch the BRIGHT colored one, like these ones (see below), i have a fist size nice watermelon-zoas, and he clean it within 2 days.





NJRC Member
Nickjr000 said:
By the way the tank looks good!

thanks, but it not near to 50% of the greatest condition it have before... (due to lack of cares, and this great zoas disapearing incidents!)
I know the feeling. I have an angel now that's nippin at too much stuff and has to go. I had a damsel in the past that ate all my zoos. Real annoying
I didn't have the guts to hook my Hippo tang. The fish trap was not working either. It didn't want any of the food I fed the tank. All it wanted to eat was my zoos. So what I did was, grabbed a box of ziplock bags and plugged all the holes it can hide in. Divided the tank in half with eggcrate and scooped it out with a fish net.
I recently had an issue with a neon dotty back and luring him to the top with a new food (mysis shrimp) worked wonders. I was able to snag him after a few tries and off to a friend's tank he went :)


NJRC Member
ricwilli said:
I didn't have the guts to hook my Hippo tang. The fish trap was not working either. It didn't want any of the food I fed the tank. All it wanted to eat was my zoos. So what I did was, grabbed a box of ziplock bags and plugged all the holes it can hide in. Divided the tank in half with eggcrate and scooped it out with a fish net.

i will try this may be this coming weekend.