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how to ditch the wet/dry!

For a while i've had a wet/dry overflow since i started my tank. I've gotten pretty tired of it and was wondering what i could put in place of it. Any ideas?


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Berlin Sump.

Remove bio balls and add live rock to the sump. Replace bio balls slowly overtime.

I am sure someone more experienced will chime in.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's probably the best advice. You probably don't even need to add the live rock. It will eventually build up detritus and will have to be rinsed occasionally. But then again, the rock will help to reduce the splashing noise
The berlin sump sounds interesting, hopefully someone with more information will give me some more info. (i'm too lazy to do it myself! :))
The thread confused me a little. How was that any different from a regular wet/dry with overflow. Water is siphoned from the tank down to the sump, a pump then returns the filtered water into the tank. Don't see what's different.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The difference is, no bio balls. Sumps usually have more "useable" area as well. Meaning that you can put heaters, reactors and skimmers in them. You can also add baffles to help with micro bubbles.


NJRC Member
AChilton said:
The berlin sump sounds interesting, hopefully someone with more information will give me some more info. (i'm too lazy to do it myself! :))
If this statement is true " (i'm too lazy to do it myself! :))" it's just going to be a failure all around for you.
no no no, it was a joke. i know the importance of research. i wouldn't have been able to have and maintain my 75 gallon without the hours of research i did before even being sure if i was going to start saltwater.
So what other options do i have besides the berlin sump? i'm getting so tired of my sump. constantly fidgeting with it and blah blah blah. What can i do to replace this horror.
Not so much the fidgeting as it is the noise. It's an HOB so i can't use a durso and i've tried everything from covering the top of it, to pulling up the sponge to putting some filter media around it. Nothing! it's so loud i want break something! it's in my bedroom where i spend most of my time when i'm home so it drives me insane
Ah, well no matter what we do down below, tht ain't gonna change what happens in the HOB overflow.

Go sumpless. What size tank is it?
blange3 said:
Ah, well no matter what we do down below, tht ain't gonna change what happens in the HOB overflow.

Go sumpless. What size tank is it?

right, what i meant by getting rid of the sump is getting rid of the entire set up! haha i hate it all! it's 75 gallons (no live rock. just some fake cement rock that has been in there for about 6-7 months now. soon to be about 40-60 pounds of real live rock)