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How To Humanely Euthanize Your Fish


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I know this is a Non emergency but i thought this forum would be more appropriate.

After a long on and off battle with HLLE My Yellow tang stopped eating a few days ago and really started to deteriorate.. I pretty much tried everything i could to save him.. This evening i started looking up ways to "Humanely Euthanize Your Fish".. I remember Mike and Nikki dealing with the same issue and doing the freezer way.. After some reading i came across some info on how vets do it and some old school hobbyist ways.. I am not going to say here how i did it.. what I feel comfortable and the right thing to do my not be your cup of tea and it should be left up to the individual and should never be judged unless it's in a inhumane way
So if you ever have to deal with this here are some ways of doing it a Humane way



Officer Emeritus
Staff member
We have not used the freezer method, quickest most painless way (so we were told): 1. Take a shot of vodka 2. Fill a cup with Vodka, 3: put the fish in and cover.  It will be quick. I know we did not use the oil first and there is a little thrashing, but trust me it is quick.
I have done the freezer method....they are stressed at first from being in a bag or container, but they calm down shortly after.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mnat said:
We have not used the freezer method, quickest most painless way (so we were told): 1. Take a shot of vodka 2. Fill a cup with Vodka, 3: put the fish in and cover. It will be quick. I know we did not use the oil first and there is a little thrashing, but trust me it is quick.
Sorry Mike for some reason i thought you did the Freezer..
i have cooled water in the freezer to almost freezing and dunked them then put that in the freezer. i figured when the fish hit the 35ish degree water everything went black. i personally thought it might be quicker than putting it in tank temp water and then the time it takes to otherwise do it's work. but yeah, it sucks having to do that FOR a fish
mnat said:
We have not used the freezer method, quickest most painless way (so we were told): 1. Take a shot of vodka 2. Fill a cup with Vodka, 3: put the fish in and cover.  It will be quick.  I know we did not use the oil first and there is a little thrashing, but trust me it is quick.

Do it right

Clove Oil & Vodka
1. Add tank water to a measuring cup or other container. Measure the amount of tank water you add to the cup or container and make a note of it. Place the fish in the container. If the fish is in a clear container, place a dark towel around it to calm the fish.

2. Fill a small, clean jar or bottle with tank water, leaving some room at the top. This might be a baby food jar or pill bottle. Put 1 drop of clove oil in the jar or bottle, cap and shake vigorously. The clove oil must emulsify, turning the water milky white.

3. Gently pour about 1/4 of this emulsified mixture into the fish's container. The fish will begin to fall asleep. Let the fish be for about 10 minutes. The fish should be resting on the bottom by then. It will look dead, but if you watch closely its gills will be breathing once every few seconds. If after 10 minutes the fish is still rising off the bottom swimming intermittently, retrieve the jar or bottle of emulsified clove oil, re-shake, and add the same dose to the fish's container. Wait again.

4. Once the fish is asleep on the bottom, add 20-25% white grain alcohol such as vodka. For example, if the fish is in 8oz of water, add 2oz of vodka. Let the fish stay there for at least 20 minutes.

5. Check the fish carefully after 20 minutes for any gill movement. If there is no gill movement over a 60 second period, the fish has expired.

Freeze water in a bag or container untill the water is slushy. Place your fish in the water and continue to freeze it. The fish's metabolism simply slows way down and eventually stops.

Ok everyone, lets try to be respectful. Many of us are extremely upset when we have to euthanize a fish, and one person's idea of humane may not be another's.
If you feel a suggestion is inhumane, please address it to that individual by PM. The more information that is shared, the better, and our members need to feel comfortable posting here, or they will not share information.

Sid, i am sorry for your loss.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NikkiT said:
Ok everyone, lets try to be respectful. Many of us are extremely upset when we have to euthanize a fish, and one person's idea of humane may not be another's.
If you feel a suggestion is inhumane, please address it to that individual by PM. The more information that is shared, the better, and our members need to feel comfortable posting here, or they will not share information.

Sid, i am sorry for your loss.
Thank you Nicole!.. Like what i said in my first post.. this is down the the individual and what they feel comfortable doing and no one should be judged.. I just wanted to inform some humane methods that i found.. You said something that summed up what i meant in one part of my post "one person's idea of humane may not be another's".. and i apologize for my 19th century British phrase. " not every ones cup of tea" but i was quite upset when writing this shortly after what i had to do.
The_Codfather said:
NikkiT said:
Ok everyone, lets try to be respectful. Many of us are extremely upset when we have to euthanize a fish, and one person's idea of humane may not be another's.
If you feel a suggestion is inhumane, please address it to that individual by PM. The more information that is shared, the better, and our members need to feel comfortable posting here, or they will not share information.

Sid, i am sorry for your loss.
Thank you Nicole!.. Like what i said in my first post.. this is down the the individual and what they feel comfortable doing and no one should be judged.. I just wanted to inform some humane methods that i found.. You said something that summed up what i meant in one part of my post "one person's idea of humane may not be another's".. and i apologize for my 19th century British phrase. " not every ones cup of tea" but i was quite upset when writing this shortly after what i had to do.


My reply wasnt pointed at Sid ( Sid im sorry for your loss ) rather it was in reply to nmats poor response.. which in my opinion would be cruel approach to euthanizing a fish. My reply just happened to be censored bydnov99 before you had the chance to read it..
