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How to set up the flow in 36 gal

OUCH... Well that is going to somewhat be a problem. The closer the light is to the hood the more area that is going to be without light in the tank due to the angle of light. The farther away from the top of the tank the better since the light would then just make a dark strip in the middle of the tank, but now might not reach to the bottom of the tank since it is off the tank where it should be.

This is a tough one. Part of me wants to say return the light and get one with two bulbs where the moonlights are in the middle and not that big a deal. The other part of me wants to say "can anyone here replace that middle bar with glass and remove the plastic without the integrity of the tank being compromised?

Lialla said:
What would you suggest for reading for a beginner? Except forums ;) Any books worth buying?

My favorite is Julian Sprung's "Corals - A Quick Reference Guide". It has only pictures ;D

mynd said:
"can anyone here replace that middle bar with glass and remove the plastic without the integrity of the tank being compromised?

It would be compromised, and it would not solve the problem of inadequate distribution of lights on the surface.

Lialla said:
well, my lights have just arrived and I think I have a problem ::) have these ones https://www.marineandreef.com/products/RCU01162_LG.jpg and I have a centre cross bar on the tank right in front of hqi lamp. Will this have any impact on the intensity of the light? Or just put the rocks out of the shadow that crossbar creates and it'll be fine? :-[

How many lights? By the lights I mean fixtures. How big is the tank's top surface? If the tank has a crossbar, it is safe to assume that it is wide/long enough that one of those lights won't cover it efficiently anyway. So you might position it off center of the tank or even in the middle of the one of the openings and buy additional lights in the future (budget permitting) that would cover the rest of the surface.
ok, I'm actually thinking about returning these lights, but not sure whether it's a right call.

SunPod 250W metal halide with moonlight http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=13975&N=2004+113352 and I have 30/15/21 tank.

I wanted lights that would allow me to keep different kinds of corals, some clams later, maybe an anemone, some fish, but I'm afraid that 250W is an overkill for the thank this size. I'm concerned about the heat. Currently, I run the light for 30-40 minutes and let the tank rest for awhile, I haven't noticed any temperature increase, but the crossbar started to deform already. I thought about hanging the lights higher, to solve the heat issue, but I can see now that's not an option, as it'll be impossible to stay in the room with those lights on. The light is too bright! It's very uncomfortable even now!

There is a limited availability of lights for a 30in long tank, and if I return those, I don't know which to buy instead. Will Sunpod but with 150W solve my problems? Clearly, I'm lost :-\ and desperately need your advice!

Hello there,

I know you can't wait to get started.. always the case, but you have been very patient and I commend you on this. What you need is something more like this


Now I am NOT SAYING for you to get this one. What I am saying is that you need something that looks like this, or two separate fixtures, or you need to keep what you have and get a new tank that it will work on. You need to decide what your best option is. Once you let us know, then we can help you come up with some lighting fixtures that fit your needs and your wallet.

If you want 250w MH's they are going to be bright. Period.

Can we get some pictures in this post? Of the tank from the front and from the top please? :)
As a fellow reefer who left the hobby and got sucked back in again, here's what I would do. I would return the lights and buy a 30" dual 65w power compact fixture. That seems to be the most common fixture for a tank this size. Here's why. If you are like most of us here, and judging from what you would one day like to keep in your tank are you are, this won't be your only tank. I'm not sure I would go through the trouble/expense of trying to get metal halides to fit. Instead, I would use this tank to gain experience with your reef keeping skills. With 130 watts of lighting you really won't be that limited by what you can keep. Besides, having some limitation is going to be the incentive you need to upgrade to a larger tank ;D Which you will one day, trust me.

I got back into this hobby only wanting a 7 gallon minibow. I now have a 46 gallon, 16 gallon and the 7 gallon mini. As if that wasn't enough, I am looking forward to setting up a 120 one day. This hobby is like Pringles potato chips.....

Hope this helps,

There are so MANY solutions. You could go with 2 smaler MHs (with downgrade in watage to 150 or 175). Some of the possibilites (and that is only up to letter G :) ) are :


You could configure them as in image below.

Or, you could go with one or more strips of PC or T5 lights. If you go with them, even though they emit less heat, they still do so you will still have to keep them off the crossbar. Again, there are so many solutions.