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How's everyone making out (roll call)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry for those who lost their tanks….or even worse.

Certain areas of our town got hit pretty bad….many houses flooded and a couple lost….knocked off their foundation. I spent today helping friends in the flooded area. What gets me is that home owners isn’t covering anything and they now have to rely on FEMA.

I’m up at 90 ft above sea level so I made out OK. Ran the generator 24/7; first four days or so siphoned gas from two of the cars, after that, a few stations were open and waited in lines; power came back at 6:40 PM on Monday and Internet came back today. Schools still aren’t open and the earliest they would open would be Thursday. Out today, and gas lines have seemed to have disappear around here. I’d offer up my generator, but Bob’s comment above about another Nor’easter scares me.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks Taz...again, I'm the lucky one.

Here’s that original picture I posted of our boat ramp just before Sandy, showing the extremely high tide….you see those nice floating docks:


And here’s what it looks like now…..ALL the floating docks are GONE! My guess is that the height of the water exceeded the height of the pilings and at that point they just floated away. And mud covers the parking lot and up the street.

hey Paul
my mom and dad were wo power until yesterday. my friend Dan Harning had brought them wood during the storm for their fireplace - they have no generator. I brought mine up when our power came back. One hell of a storm.... glad your ok.
Now day 9 and no power. PSE&G is not too helpful. By this they have a schedule showing number of customers restored per day and then at the end of said schedule the number of people still left with out power. Their answer is we do not know where you are....then how is it you have the exact number of customers restored daily in each town if you do not know where the locations are?!?!


NJRC Member
I'm on the way to West Milford to get one I lent out echotech sent my batteries hopefully the will work till I get back tonight.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ed,
I have PSE&G for my power company and we got power back on last Thursday. But since then power is on and off. I went to bed around 11pm last night and the power went out but it came back on about 4am. I was told by my next door neighbor that is was out today for about 4 hours and it is back on right now. It is driving me nuts!!!!! That is one reason I have not lent my generator out to anyone.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ed,
I have PSE&G for my power company and we got power back on last Thursday. But since then power is on and off. I went to bed around 11pm last night and the power went out but it came back on about 4am. I was told by my next door neighbor that is was out today for about 4 hours and it is back on right now. It is driving me nuts!!!!! That is one reason I have not lent my generator out to anyone.


The power company has to de-energize the local grid in order to make other repairs. It would be nice if they let you know though.

transformer blew in my town and parts of it lost power...thankfully we weren't included. I've been without clean water too for the past 48 hrs. I still see lines for gasoline...speaking of which odd number, gotta go out and get some.
Also make sure you drain the gas or use fuel stabilizer to prevent the gas from going bad in the tank.

As previously post, I'm switch to a tri-fuel carburetor. A number of places sell them for all makes if generators. I'm going to have a plumber put an external natural gas line outside so I will have 3 options for running it the next time this happens. I think I've wasted at least 5-6 hours on gas lines this week.

But I'm thankful that friends and family are all safe.

Where does one get a Tri-Fuel Carburetor and are they universal for all types of generators?


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Power restored about 2 hours ago. As soon as I heard I ran over to the house to ensure no fire issues.