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How's everyone making out (roll call)


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I'm still not able to get back to brigantine to see what is going on. I think not knowing is making me crazier than just knowin what's going on. From what I have seen on the news it doesn't look good. I'm on the north end of the island right across the street from the beach. If anyone hears when they are letting people back in brig please let me know. No power where I'm staying so its making it difficult to get info. Hope everyone and there families are safe
I'm still not able to get back to brigantine to see what is going on. I think not knowing is making me crazier than just knowin what's going on. From what I have seen on the news it doesn't look good. I'm on the north end of the island right across the street from the beach. If anyone hears when they are letting people back in brig please let me know. No power where I'm staying so its making it difficult to get info. Hope everyone and there families are safe
Saturday is when their letting people back to brigantine.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Nikki's parents have not been back to Brigantine either, they are not letting anyone on. If we hear anything I will let you know. They are staying in Ocean City as of now.
I just heard that parts of point boro have power. My sister in law lives on gowdy and they just got power back 10 mins ago. Hopefully Mike and Nikki will be next. Manasquan is still out and there are rumors that they will cut gas supply soon too. I am still running the borrowed generator. After repeated attempts to contact the manufacturer of the generator, I called amazon this morning and they issued me a full refund for the generator and said I can keep it. They were very understanding of my location and situation. Major props and kudos to amazon.
Thats good to hear that ur sister in law got their electric back. Good to hear that amazon did good with the refund too. Hope all is well with the tank Steve.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Keeping my fingers crossed steve. We are both at work now and if I come home from work to find power, I will open a good bottle of wine.


NJRC Member
Our power ccame back on at 1am for about 15mins.. was so excited. I live around the block from Mike

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we made out ok in middletown. somehow i took on no water when my unfortunate neighbors all around me did. i have a generator that i'm using to run my fridge, tv and alternating between my boiler and fish tank. i'm so sorry for all my fellow reefers that were forced to watch the unspeakable happen to their tanks that we all know how much effort goes into. good luck everyone.
If you guys need gas, I could grab a bunch of gas cans fill em up and meet ya. Cape may area was very fortunate. I don't have a lot in my tank but plan to frag the heck outta what I have for those who lost stuff. If anyone needs a place to crash, my home is open.

Twisteds 40 breeder


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think when this is all said and done we should all get together and maybe do some kinda corals for charity thing help out the people that lost everything.I know there is a lot of people that lost a lot and I would be willing to give up a lot out of my tank to help people rebuild there's.
That is a great Idea Dan. I can always frag something from my tank to help out our club members get there tanks running and looking nice again.
Power still out in Denville. Running my generator for a few hours at a time since gas is hard to come by ...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sandee, sorry to hear about that. Wish I lived a bit closer or I'd try to bring you some filled gas cans.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think when this is all said and done we should all get together and maybe do some kinda corals for charity thing help out the people that lost everything.I know there is a lot of people that lost a lot and I would be willing to give up a lot out of my tank to help people rebuild there's.

I would be willing to do the same. There are also 3 vendors on reef2reef that are offering up coral boxes and one vendor is offering up dry goods as well.


Finally have Nelson tree trucks clearing the trees from the wires and also seeing JCPL trucks driving in the area. Hopefully we will have power back soon....

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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Just got my power back. I have a gassed up generator if anyone still needs one. I don't have gas though, have to save that for the cars at this point considering what I saw today.
I'm in rahway and have a generator powered new 60g cube with just a few sps frags. If anyone wants any corals looked after then pm me.