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I really need some help here!! Ich


NJRC Member
Odd, I haven’t lost a single wrasse in QT. Rosy scales, pin tail, Melanarusus (forgive the spelling), and one more fairy is in QT as we speak.

Qt tank is super easy, heater and hang on back is all you should need.
lol I know I used to have one but I used a small pawerhead instead of hang on back filter. Time is the problem for me:(


NJRC Member
Have you tried Seachem metroplex and Seachem focus yet? The focus binds metroplex to the fish food. So if it's a picky eater you can still feed it it's favorite food. You have to be careful when feeding. You don't want a bunch floating around in the tank landing on coral. So just a bit at a time. Also try Spectrum ick shield. They are pellets that have medication in it to help. Same goes for the pellets though. Don't let the coral eat them. I have used both in the past with a pretty good success rate.


NJRC Member
Man am I happy I quit this hobby :)

Did you introduce new fish? Aggression issue? Ich is mostly caused by aggression. Feed some meaty frozen food. Frozen oysters are great. Cut into small pieces the fish will go crazy for it. All the anecdotal remedies probably won't help much. A lot of times ich just go away by itself.

If you want to catch the fish fish traps work. Tangs are pretty easy to trap if still eats aggressively.