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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You'll get mixed feedback on that. They are typically regarded as a pest that should be removed. I've had 2 of them that have sat on the same rock forever and never spread or became a nuisance but that's not the norm. The general consensus is to nuke them before they over take your tank.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I bought a few of them before and never had a problem with them spreading.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sadly, yes, hitch hikers are all a part of the fun. It looks like they're realatively accessible. If you have Mrs. Wages Pickling lime or another type of Kalk powder, you can mix up a slurry and blast them with it. It's kind of fun to do in a completely sadistic way! Where are you located? I can give you everything you need to get rid of them if you want it.
What is their size? I don't remember seen majanos with that many tentacles or that coloration, but then, I certainly haven't seen them all :)

Majano anemone are considered nuisance/pests because in nutrient rich environment they can multiply fast and are more powerful stingers then most of the corals. The same way as aptasia, except that many people find them much more attractive and as John has previous said the mixed feedback usually comes from them being cute WHEN they are not spreading too much ;)

As for $34, think of it as the price of a lesson learned. Don't buy things you don't know anything about. There are so many complex interactions between live species in our tanks that mistakes can be very costly. If it will make you feel any better, years ago, I was explicitly sold a majano anemone from Absolutely fish for $20 as very cute critter :mad: Needles to say, that was the last time I bought something without at least some type of research done.
You could always start a pest tank! Complete with aiptasia, xenia and/or GSP (since so many people consider them invasive menaces!), bristleworms, and caulerpa eating every rock it touches!
