Nice shots
Very nice work...nice shop you have too.
Hey I used that trap (thanks also Jim). I was trying to catch a Singapore Angel. I couldn't keep my 6-line out. It kept going in and scaring the angel out. Mine will eat anything at anytime. Don't give up. It'll happenHere fishy fishy!
Every fish in my tank entered this trap except the Six Line! GRRRRR!!!! i will leave it in the tank overnight and try again tomorrow to catch him!
Thank you Jim for lending me the fish trap!
Hey Matt are you going to put duck work on them heat registers. LOL
I have a long brass piano hinge. It is the perfect size for my canopy! Any thoughts on it being an issue? I'm thinking it won't be but what do I know.
Brass is a compound of copper and zinc. Rust quickly when exposed to salt air. Bronze is a different story. Copper and tin. Basically salt water proof but you will have issues with brass. Salt air will tear it up.
Brass is a compound of copper and zinc. Rust quickly when exposed to salt air. Bronze is a different story. Copper and tin. Basically salt water proof but you will have issues with brass. Salt air will tear it up.