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If You were to Start Over


NJRC Member
First thing I would have done is join this club instead of the ones on facebook or believing what i read online- 'minimum size tank' 'not too aggressive' etc- I could have saved myself a ton of money, so many bad choices and missed opportunities ( freebies/ cheap stuff). I'm still living with some of those choices, a pink damsel that was not supposed to be very aggressive- chased a yellow coris out of one tank. I'v added some coral too soon and watched them just shrink and fade away. Some fish looked cool at first but became a pain after a while.
What you have done different?


NJRC Member
If I could do it over I wouldn’t install a display tank.
I would just do large frag tanks. I would do 3x 8ft
Frag tanks and that’s it. Cleaning frag tanks are so easy.
Getting corals moved to a different tank is also easy.

making any changes on a 220 display is very hard.


NJRC Member
If I could do it over I wouldn’t install a display tank.
I would just do large frag tanks. I would do 3x 8ft
Frag tanks and that’s it. Cleaning frag tanks are so easy.
Getting corals moved to a different tank is also easy.

making any changes on a 220 display is very hard.
But you have such a great DT