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im not sure what this is but i dont have a pic yet

i just noticed today that there is a very small tan looking polyp on my live rock and i was wondering if a mushroom can be seeded in ur tank with out ever putting a mushroom in the tank?
It all depends where the rock came from before it was put into your system . Anything and everything can pop up from live rock . Google a picture for aptasia,if that is it remove the polyp,they will spread real fast . Hopefully it will be something good.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I agree with Qwik. A tan polyp appearing out of no where has all the makings of aiptasia. If it is, you'll definitely want to get rid of it quickly.
if you do get aptasia or the mojano anemones poppin up i suggest joes juice or peppermint shrimp (or both). i have been told from many people that if you cut the anemone or scrape it off it will release clones into the water.