• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

I'm off to Jupiter...

And don't worry, the money you save on blue leg hermits will more than balance out the amount you have to spend on counseling for him for the next 11 years until his 18th birthday. . . not.
How's NJ guys. I'm kinda bummed. I think I got sun burned today. I hear it rained a little there.

Anyway, I got this el cheapo underwater cam. I think some local pet shop owner dumped all of his tropical saltwater fish in the Jupiter Inlet. Crazy what you find in the water these days.... ;D

I think this is a school of baby and adult Sergeant Majors. If you hear some guy yelling at his kids just ignore it.

NikkiT said:
Very cool. Did you get that saltwater fishing license? :)

I decided not to try to do any collecting this time - too expensive to ship back to NJ. I could get used to this place with all the free beaches, free parking, blue water (starting to hate NJ). I've got some great pics and a cool video of my wife and kids getting nailed by a geyser at Blowing Rocks Beach(payback for not letting me use the 7 yr old as a mule). I'll post the pics and video when I get back on Monday.