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Interview "Tanked"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Actually there are plenty of products out there that will instantly cycle a tank. Of course they are not cost effective for the average hobbiest but aquaculture facilities use them all the time.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well, one thing that should be noted is that most of the tanks they build and setup don't have live corals. They are mainly man-made epoxy based fake corals with live fish. This does give them a bit of leeway when it comes to having a tank cycled over night and water parameters don't need to be as stringent.

That said, I think the show is lacking in education about the hobby. I was happy to hear in the interview that they plan to start correcting that aspect in season 2. Even though I think they do things wrong on the setups (mainly just in stocking techniques) I still watch every show because I do find it entertaining. I think their tanks are pretty creative and I agree that this show can bring a bunch more people into the hobby. I just hope they don't all think it's as simple as filling up with tap water and throwing in the fish though.

By the way, I give them kudos for getting the program going in nevada schools. These guys do try to help the hobby and draw interest to it, so you have to give them credit for that at least.
Well, one thing that should be noted is that most of the tanks they build and setup don't have live corals. They are mainly man-made epoxy based fake corals with live fish. This does give them a bit of leeway when it comes to having a tank cycled over night and water parameters don't need to be as stringent.

That said, I think the show is lacking in education about the hobby. I was happy to hear in the interview that they plan to start correcting that aspect in season 2. Even though I think they do things wrong on the setups (mainly just in stocking techniques) I still watch every show because I do find it entertaining. I think their tanks are pretty creative and I agree that this show can bring a bunch more people into the hobby. I just hope they don't all think it's as simple as filling up with tap water and throwing in the fish though.

By the way, I give them kudos for getting the program going in nevada schools. These guys do try to help the hobby and draw interest to it, so you have to give them credit for that at least.

Yea, I like some of their setups from a creativity & theme standpoint, although I'm pretty purist about no fake stuff in my tanks, etc. Jon and I were discussing how rediculous it is to dump that many fish in any tank at any one time, and that the sheer amount of fish they put in a tank as "permanent residents" is a little rediculous too. And this is coming from a me, a notorious over-stocker.
I have to imagine a good portion of their business is going to be from the servicing of the tanks. If the stocking of a lot of fish will require 2 water changes a week. That's a lot of money for them. Sounds like a good model.
I think that's recorded at MACNA. I missed the episode with the Phone booth filled with Yellow Tangs. But I saw in the comments that it was for sale. No comment as to what happened to all that livestock.

I recognize this is a show for entertainment - and I applaud them for signing up for shows like MACNA and being sponsors for reefkeeping sites like the one rev maintains. The tank build for that church in texas was enormous (built before the show "tanked" build).

I mean besides the rainforest cafe with their tanks - this is probably the biggest media exposure we will find in this hobby - for better or worse.

ps GLuttonoussolarwrasse -in your sig - do you mean "more" wrasses?
Like Brett Raymer said, "It is entertainment...not for hobbyist....and intend to bring more general public into the hobby. " And I agree. And this is one of the main reason that I want to set up a nano with my sons.

It is reality TV, unfortunately most of it is not real.


NJRC Member
ps GLuttonoussolarwrasse -in your sig - do you mean "more" wrasses?

kids and their interwebs spelling nowadays.......

I was never a huge fan of the show. It's all just too staged for me. The tanks are pretty cool and I watch it nonetheless just because I like the tanks. The little trivia things at commercial breaks are fun too.
It is reality TV, unfortunately most of it is not real.

if only that were true...the housewives of nj and jerseyshore reality programs produce probably the worst of NJ. It's sorta like an accident, you are passing by, you really should not rubbberneck, but you just have to!