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is there a way to check on other reefers' methods of success in one stop?


NJRC Member
my goal is goto one place and to be able to compare/check a giant list to see how are other's methods of doing thing... so when we upgrade, we can follow the pro. also can be benefit for new comers.

some examples:
- some like to use an ok return pump (not high powered one), then put more powerheads inside the display tank, and others like to use big-a** pump and T-them off.
- daily water change, or weekly/monthly water change...etc
- dosing 2 parts...etc
- bare bottom, or sand bed...etc
- T5 believer, or MH...etc

i don't want to see it as a normal posting threads, cause it would have many replied to it, then make it difficult to read the summary, also, when time pasted, we may want to updated/changed our believes...etc. and don't want it to be multiple posts for the same user...etc.

the one way i can think of it right now, is:
- post a BLANK form out (may be MS-Word, or MS-Excel) for other to download (with predefined TABLE formats)
- they theb submit the info back
- and some one (could be me) then add into a big form and allow others to download to see/compare.
- in the form, we can say - my tank is Bare Bottom (then some short description for the reason behind it...etc.)

please help to comments.
Sounds like a good idea. Plus, if the file is already in a standard forum the data could be uploaded into a database that could be searched.

I know that many forum packages run MySQL, as does SMF (according to their website), so a user could search for the data they are interested in. Like, generate the results of fellow reefers that are using bare bottoms and export it to excel/txt/pdf/etc without having to deal with the other configurations. They could also do searches to see who is running bare bottom systems with T5 lights or whatever their criteria is.

The only problem is, how newbies really determine if the posted method is really doing well? There are just so many variables in place that the choices can be overwhelming and it seems that not every solution is so cut and dry? For better or worse, I always feel that the reply threads tend to add to the confidence level of the design.


NJRC Member

thanks for the info.

Yes, as you stated, "...not every solution is so cut and dry..."

i plan is more to, have people document their methods, and can put down as "this is working fine", or this is a "trial and error" type of setting.

if they list out the reasons of why use method-A over method-B, it would be more helpful, and someone can choice whom to believe or follow.

of course - we will have the fine print as the bottom as:
"this is just our own opinions, and not responsible for any lost or bad consequence if being followed..."


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Great idea, David. If you start a template that would be cool. I would include what types of corals they have great success with...


NJRC Member
ok, this is what i have so far:

- this is one way i know of to just easily upload something to shares with others (with google doc)
- you will need to download or save as Excel to open it for edit.
- once we finalized the format, we will then start to collect more information from members and combine it into one.

- this is a very very basic beta version, far from finish...
- the first tab [Tank Setup] i have some idea how it would look.
- but the [Coral] and [Fish] tabs, i have no clue how it should be organized...
* we can make information as easy coral to keep, or avoid coral lists...etc.
* but these information are already on the web, there are some good books also have them enlist.
* so, not sure how we want to approach this issue.

Please help to advise and comments what need to be add and changed...
greatly appreciated your help and suggestions.

best regards,


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Dave. I think you have to invite everyone to view that doc. I tried to open it and it said I don't have permission.


NJRC Member
mikem said:
Dave. I think you have to invite everyone to view that doc. I tried to open it and it said I don't have permission.

can you try that one more time?


NJRC Member
d***! i can't access Google-Doc from work!!
oh, well, will check tonight...

thanks you all for the input... when this is final, we will make it a sticky or something.

for now, should we setup a group password or something... (don't want the whole world can go inside and screw up the doc on purpose - just in case)

did anyone have ideas/suggestions on how to do the Corals and Fish tabs yet??
If you post a password and don't want the whole world to see it -then maybe post it in the members-only forum.

Tank ID could be a formula of the cell above it plus 1.

Maybe want to include a location - like North/south/central? Or even a city?
added my info, I think it would be good to add what type of salt used, how long the tank has been established, and maybe a water chem. column. (like what level they keep their calcium at, etc..


NJRC Member


NJRC Member
Mbodell said:
added my info, I think it would be good to add what type of salt used, how long the tank has been established, and maybe a water chem. column. (like what level they keep their calcium at, etc..

sure... great idea!

should i keep these water paramters in the same sheet? or diff sheet?

on one have recommendation on the corals and fish area??