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its been a long time

hi everyone its been awhile since ive dropped in
the site looks awesome
im kicking the idea around for getting back into the sw scene
just gotta do more reading, see whats changed, whats improved, ive forgotten alot
ive sold most of my equipment, so im pretty much back to being a noob at this
any advice will be greatly appreciated
hope to hear from ya soon


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Jer, welcome back! Glad to hear you still have the bug. I'm just curious, do you still have the hole in the wall for the tank?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
JohnS_323 said:
Hey Jer, welcome back! Glad to hear you still have the bug. I'm just curious, do you still have the hole in the wall for the tank?

LOL, That was my first thought also

no the wall has been repaired,haha ;D
thanks for the welcome back, im not back, just thinking if i want to
not much has changed as far as i can tell, my problem is i have forgotten alot of things
if ya remember , my setup was kinda automated, its going to be alot of work, and cash to do it again
i have the ambition, but as everyone knows, once your bitten by the sw bug, u pretty much stay bitten