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Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Advanced Complexity" Reef Aquarium

Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Equipment: Aqua Ultraviolet 25 watt Sterilizer with Wiper (Cleaning Water with Light)

I have been a bit reluctant at adding a Ultra Violet Sterilizer for a few reasons. Mainly I was concerned that it would minimize the effectiveness of my Prodibio supplements. However, after a few conversations with Prodibio customer service the only supplement that I needed to be concerned with was the Prodibio Reef Booster. They advised that I should just turn off the Ultra Violet Sterilizer for 2 hours after the addition of the supplement to allow the bacteria to adhere to solid surfaces according to their labratory studies. This was very good news to hear since I'm interested in keeping at least 3 Tangs in my aquarium in the future and would like to also have the Ultraviolet Sterilizer in place to assist in killing parasites that would be detrimental to their health. As we all know if you look at a Tang in the wrong fashion... bam! Ich outbreak! Another reason for me installing an Ultraviolet Sterilizer on the setup was that I was still having an issue with green cloudy water, which I determined was algae spores in the water. The Prodibio supplements did do a great job in reducing the intensity of the cloudiness but still looking like it could use a little hand.

I chose an Aqua Ultraviolet 25 watt Sterilizer with Wiper to address both of my needs. I believe that the water is exposed to the radiation from the bulb in an effective yet simple design. The wiper also allows the Quarts Sleeve that that shields the Ultraviolet Bulb to be cleaned without the need to disconnect and take apart the unit. Another great benefit is that Aqua Ultraviolet has great customer service and affordable replacement part prices that I have experienced first hand. The unit has been installed under the aquarium via a Maxi-Jet 1200 rated at 295 gph, which draws water from and return water to the Acrylic Sump through 1.5 Inch Vynil Tubing. The unit has been installed and in operation for only 1 day and the results are night and day, the cloudiness has literally dissapeared.







Photograph - Saturday, February 07, 2009 - My Aqua Ultraviolet 25 watt Sterilizer with Wiper.
Re: Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium.

let us know how you make out on Bulb Life. I hear that is the one of the major downfalls to these
Reply to DS4x4.

ds4x4 said:
let us know how you make out on Bulb Life. I hear that is the one of the major downfalls to these

DS4x4, I have owned the same unit and other from Aqua Ultraviolet in the past and I have gotten the full 14 month bulb life from these. I have never had an issue with the bulbs. In my personal opinion Aqua Ultraviolet manufactures the best quality units for that niche.
Re: Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium.

As in bulb life or maybe i should have used Effectiveness? i am/was under the impression that the actual UV part of the bulb, has a short life span. while the bulb may still light the qualities that make it sterilize the water (UV Radiation) diminished quite rapidly over the course of its use
Reply to Ds4x4.

ds4x4 said:
As in bulb life or maybe i should have used Effectiveness? i am/was under the impression that the actual UV part of the bulb, has a short life span. while the bulb may still light the qualities that make it sterilize the water (UV Radiation) diminished quite rapidly over the course of its use

Ds4x4, well unfortunately I don't have any special equipment that I can measure to radiation output of the Ultraviolet Spectrum. But I assume that would be obvious of every type of Ultraviolet Bulb on the market.
Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Chemical: Prodibio Bio Kit ReefSupplements (Live Bacteria Are Good)

Well many of you are requesting photograph showing a full aquarium shot to see the results of dosing with Prodibio Supplements. So I stole my wife's new Canon SD990 IS 14.7 megapixel camera and took one for you. I hope you enjoy.


Photograph - Sunday, January 08, 2009 - Full aquarium shot of my 120 gallon Reef Aquarium.
Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Livestock: Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens).

I decided on purchasing as many specimens native to Hawaii. So why not start with something simple yet rewarding. So I went to a local fish store about 1 month ago and purchased a Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens). He has been doing amazingly well as he is definitely a lover of the Green Algae Sheets, Frozen Spirulina and Mysis Shrimp which keeps his coloration amazing and body nice and plump.



Photograph - Sunday, February 08, 2009 - My Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) which has been in my possession for 1 month.

[Video - Sunday, February 08, 2009 - My Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) feeding on a Green Algae Sheet.
Re: Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium.

it really is, but i hate to say this, there is a few white spots by its eye :(
Reply to Onefish2fish.

onefish2fish said:
it really is, but i hate to say this, there is a few white spots by its eye :(

Onefish2fish, I know. They have been there since I purchased him. They are more apparent in the Macro shots then in person. I'm not worried about them at all.
Reply to Jrwohler.

Fish freckles? ;)

Jrwohler, I guess so. They have been there since I purchased him and haven't gotten worse or gone away in a month. Fish Freckles is now copyrighted term of Jrwohler. LOL
Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Livestock: Powder Blue Tang (Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus Leucosternon)

Well I decided that with success of keeping the Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) I though it would be time to add another specimen to my aquarium. So I choose the Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus Leucosternon). This beuatiful specimen was added this afternoon after being acclimated over a period of 3 hours. It has been very shy and retreated into the rocks and I'm hoping to see more of him after he settles in.



Photograph - Thursday, February 11, 2009 - The newest addition to my reef aquarium, the Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus Leucostternon).
Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Chemicals: Prodibio Supplements Dosage (Week007)

I have decided to keep everyone updated on the Prodibio Supplement Dosing regimine that I have been on for almost 2 months now. This weeks dosage contains 2 ampoules of Prodibio Reef Booster (Live Bacteria) and 2 ampoule of Prodibio Stroni+ (Strontium). I will include full aquarium shots as well as Macro Shots of specimen within my aquarium (Coral, Inverts and Fish) to show the progress with the product. However, the full aquarium shot will be left out since I haven't picked up the correct lens.


Photograph - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - Prodibio Supplement Dosage for week 0007.




Photograph - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - My Maxima Clam (Tridacna Maxima).




Photograph - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - My Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens).
Jasonanatal's 120 gallon "Natural Simplicity" Reef Aquarium Update.

Equipment: Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer (Performance Over the Long Haul)

I initally purchased the Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer as a temporary device until I could put enough money aside for a Bubble King Mini 180 with Automatic Neck Washing System. However, based on the performance over the past 4 months it has proven to be a pretty efficient Protein Skimmer. It produces 2.5 gallons of dark skimmate with an extremely bad odor every week.


Photograph - Sunday, February 09, 2009 - One week of skimmate (2.5 gallons) produced by the Red Sea C-Skim 1200 Deluxe Protein Skimmer.