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Jgraz's 90g


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
looks fantastic john! liking the scape and the shelf pieces.

I sorta feel like im going in back in time with your old 90 with this!
looks fantastic john! liking the scape and the shelf pieces.

I sorta feel like im going in back in time with your old 90 with this!
You mention going back in time.
It's almost an identical setup. Except for light, I used a Tek fixture before.
Fingers crossed it will run as well as that system did too

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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I like the scape, is is "mortared" together or just stacked for now?
I like the scape, is is "mortared" together or just stacked for now?
Just stacked. I dont think I'm going to do any mortar. Its absolutely solid right now. I like moving things around too. Though I might add just a touch here or there just in case

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Yep is from Amazon right around $35 if I remember correctly. It's the one that Asonitez had the video about a few months back.

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Oh wow. I am looking for something to light a refugium. Do you have any idea how many I would need to go on top of a 55 gallon
Thank you. I have been looking for something for the fuge but WOW some are real expensive.
I didnt even consider the kessil or AI. Even $30 I spent on this is a little much for me. I'm used to regular bulbs. For macro they work great.

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Everyone.... I really like clams. And yes I am a very long way from even considering getting one. But as I search the net I don’t seem to see very many tanks that have them. Is there something about them I should be concearned about?
Everyone.... I really like clams. And yes I am a very long way from even considering getting one. But as I search the net I don’t seem to see very many tanks that have them. Is there something about them I should be concearned about?

I don't really have an opinion either way. I always though of them as a looking best when looking top-down and none of my prior systems were set up for that.


POTM Winner
I do believe they need good lighting but I have no experience with them.

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Everyone.... I really like clams. And yes I am a very long way from even considering getting one. But as I search the net I don’t seem to see very many tanks that have them. Is there something about them I should be concearned about?

Great subject. Start it outside of John’s thread. And I will respond. As to not hijack his lone-awaited build thread