Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Bob, thanks to you and your wife for hosting our crew in your beautiful home. We really appreciate you opening your home and your fantastic hospitality. We had a wonderful time! The kids are adorable and I hope to see them at more meetings now that they've attended their first!
Thank you so much for having an awesome meeting. Great house, great lawn! I love those kids, I think Timmy really wanted to go home with us. Morgan and Mandy really bonded. Thanks to your wife, she is a fun fun person.
Next time we meet I will give you a ton of palys and zoos, that tank needs to be filled by donations from the club. I have some hammer coral you can have, about 10 heads on one of them.
Timmy CRIED AND CRIED after you guys left! He stood at the end of the driveway looking for you guys and saying your daughters name over and over again! He was FULLY expecting to go home with you guys!
Bob, Sorry to have missed the meeting. I actually drove down 287 past Boonton and thought about stopping. But, I was so tired I just wanted to get home.
And that is why I am not the president and you are.
I have decided I am finally getting old. ;D Though the staff that are staying on all summer were going to call Doug and get permission for me to spend the whole summer with them. They liked have a "cool Mom" that they could hang with. 8)
I opened up the "candy store" for the younger staff every night, and I can only stay up till after midnight (the last night was 1:30) and be up at 6:00 for so long. I came home and sat in front of my tank until I crashed and fell asleep on the couch.
Hey everybody! The pleasure was ours to have you come to our home! For us it was great having a summer meeting with a medium crowd as it let us take the time to connect in a different kind of way. Plus, we could have never let those babies do their thing they way they did rolling around the family room if it were much bigger.
Thank you Renee for rolling just in front of the thunderstorm to throw up the canopy above the grill. WHEW! - I could have seen Marissa’s face if our new grill took a bath at 400 degrees. Thanks to Jim Roth for hanging the fish around town (I cracked up on my way home from work today) Thanks to Mike M. for bringing up a coral from one reefer down south and bringing another back down to someone else! Brian, thanks for the pictures! Thanks for everyone chipping in nicely on the food and making it a fun barbacue.
As you saw, see my fledgling tank does need some work, although I am proud of the way it’s going, especially on the new sump and skimmer. Heck, between the raffle and some generous gifts from friends my reef has doubled! I am very excited about every single piece I added.
Hmmm…can we start the countdown to the frag swap yet!! :