I notice multiple "Member's Group Buys" occurring here in this forum that should have required Board approval and limited to Paid Members only, but is open to ALL paid and non-paid members, but a "Trades/offers/wtb forum, " occurring at the same time at Mark's meeting is limited to Paid Members only! I'd like to know how the Board voted on this? Why am I a paid member?
I will not speak for all the BOD members but I will provide my views and thoughts on this.
1. I agree with Paul on if Mark was running for a seat I would gladly vote for him. Mark would make a great BOD member.
2. What Mark did was what this club needs. We need more members to take the bull by the horns and run with things. Personally I feel like that there are a select few members trying to keep this club afloat as others sit back. This club should be ran by the members which seems to be lost for I don't know for how long. I seems more like the members wait for the BOD to plan everything, to decide everything, to setup everything. The BOD should be more a guide to help keep the club in the right direction but the members should be the ones planning and running everything. I will admit I been guilty of it myself. As a member I helped out a little waiting for the BOD to make the bulk of the decisions. As a BOD members I have contribute to the 'way it been' but I will also state that I am trying to change that.
3. Mark I don't think you need to issue an apology or change/cancel anything you have done. As of right now group buys is something that should be for paid members. With that said I recall another group buy that was done outside the paid members only and nothing was said. Also Mark's setup isn't just a group buy. He, as the host of the meeting, is setting up a group buy for the meeting he is hosting. I see this to be a special exception to the rule of paid members only because the meeting host is the one who did it and its not a stand alone group buy but a group buy for the meeting he is running.
4. Mark's Trade/Offer/WTB thread - Now because this again is being done by the meeting host and the trade/offer/buy are being done at the meetings I personally think its ok to open it up to everyone but right now its for paid members only. Again I feel that should be the decision of the meeting's host.
5. Membership fee- We all know this has been a topic of debate lately and all can agree there little-to-no value to the member for their $12. I have been looking into some options to bring value to the membership. With that said the last month I been side track because I am trying to run a soccer event in my town. Something that was talked about during the BOD election (when it was being begged to get people to run) was to shutdown the club and just operate out of other sites like R2R or even as a Facebook Group. We could easily shut this site down and run from one of those sites cause then there would be no cost to 'run' the club. I personally feel if we did one of those options the feel of this club will get lost in those large groups. When I went looking for a club this is the type of club I was looking for. Folks that act more like family and less concern about making a buck or proving they know EVERYTHING about this hobby.
Again Mark I personally think what you have done is fine and shouldn't have to apologies or cancel anything.