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Kalk vs 2 part

Currently I use the ESV B Ionic Alk, Calk and Mag. I don't dose much as my tank doesn't need much. I've been wondering if going the kalk route would be more beneficial for my tank.

Who here uses kalk and what has been your experience with it?
I personally dose Kalk, and as Calc and Alk is need it I might start dosing 2 part as well, before with my 120g I used to dose 1500ml of kalk and around 100 each of 2 part


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Our whole system is run with Kalk. We haven't turned on our calcium reactor in probably 2 years now.


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I run both. Kalk is cheap. For a small tank 50 or less I would just do two part. It’s very easy and you can control your dosing. On larger systems I would do both.
I run esv 2 part for calcium and alk. Dose kalk at night.


NJRC Member
Kalkwasser + AFR has give me best results! it’s hard to see my self using any other type, although my experience with 2p was at the beginning when still trying to understand how to not kill gsp lol
Kalkwasser + AFR has give me best results! it’s hard to see my self using any other type, although my experience with 2p was at the beginning when still trying to understand how to not kill gsp lol
Do you use kalk and AFR together in combination or just use one or the other?


NJRC Member
Started using kalk recently, used to use all for reef, I notice (far from a scientific measurement) that the sps like the kalk a little more and my softies/anemones like the all for reef more. Overall both were fine.


NJRC Member
I started with 50ml of kalkwasser and 8ml of all for reef, always low and increase every tree days based on alkalinity. My alk is around 9.5/10
My tank was moved from one place to another when I decided to use kalkwasser and AFR so had Frags Sps/Lps and zoas since day one.
I started with 50ml of kalkwasser and 8ml of all for reef, always low and increase every tree days based on alkalinity. My alk is around 9.5/10
My tank was moved from one place to another when I decided to use kalkwasser and AFR so had Frags Sps/Lps and zoas since day one.
What is the total volume for your system? Do you have a recent picture of it, I think I am going to try this!
Currently I use the ESV B Ionic Alk, Calk and Mag. I don't dose much as my tank doesn't need much. I've been wondering if going the kalk route would be more beneficial for my tank.

Who here uses kalk and what has been your experience with it?
With kalk you're going to always get a point where your demand exceeds your evaporation. If I were you I would start messing with kalk and increase as needed until you reach a point equivalent to your average YEARLY evaporation. Then from there start increasing 2 part as needed.

I say yearly because my evaporation varries by season. You wanna land somewhere in the middle of an average for the year.


NJRC Member
Dose two parts with BRS dosers for years. Always wanted to try Kalk for the PH benefit but never did, due to the complexity. With 2 parts I know exact how much is put in.


NJRC Member
There are some amazing videos of how to use kalkwasser, some others a bit scared dosing everything at night time lol

my coral coral do great when I’m checking my alk consumption every week! If I don’t do it give me problems
with kalk just dose up to 2/3 of your daily evaporation, so you have room for the days that your tank will losse less water and your ato will be able to handle the days that it loose more, and that way you will always know how much kalk you are using, when you tank ask for more alk and calc, you can start dosing 2 parts