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King Kong Calcium Reactor


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
This is the new King Kong Calcium Reactor From Warner Marine
5 chamber Calcium Reactor, 30" tall, 8" Main reaction chamber and integrated pump.







Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
OK I just spoke to Jon at Warner Marine and he said $700 and 4-5 weeks to Build.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The real question is if you take too many pictures of it will it climb onto your roof and start swatting at airplanes? That is the calcium reactor I want.
That thing looks really awesome.....says "our calcium reactor can kick the crap out of your calcium reactor"

Makes me think of the machine that goes "Ping"
I must admit that my personal experience with calcium reactors is limited, in that I have never used one on my reef.

However, when I look at the King Kong Calcium Reactor, I can't help but think that it's overly complex, and far larger than anything most of us are ever likely to need. I see a lot of chambers, many complex fittings, and a lot of plumbing. All places where you can have a leak or other problem.

Compare that to something like the Korallin reactors (offsite link) - http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_AquariumPage~PageAlias~calcium_reactors_korallin_kalkreactor.html

Note how much simpler the Korallin is and that they are still rated for rather large tanks.

I would like to know what in the design of the King Kong Calcium Reactor, with all it's complexity, give it an advantage over other reactors?