My marine tank has been up and running since 2004. I've got:
3 Pyjama Cardinals
2 Pecurcla Clowns
1 sixline wrasse
1 cherub angel
They're all doing well. Now I'm ready to add the star of the tank - the king
of the tank but I am uncertain what to get. I was planning on getting a Tang.
After months of reading I finally settled on the Kole Tang (I think it's a good
looking fish) but from my reading I understand that Tangs, as a whole, can be
Ich magnets. I had Ich during my first year, it was not fun.
So, I'm looking for suggestions on what I can get: non-venomous, good looking and
won't grow much more than 10".
I'm curious to know what is the King/Queen in your tanks.
3 Pyjama Cardinals
2 Pecurcla Clowns
1 sixline wrasse
1 cherub angel
They're all doing well. Now I'm ready to add the star of the tank - the king
of the tank but I am uncertain what to get. I was planning on getting a Tang.
After months of reading I finally settled on the Kole Tang (I think it's a good
looking fish) but from my reading I understand that Tangs, as a whole, can be
Ich magnets. I had Ich during my first year, it was not fun.
So, I'm looking for suggestions on what I can get: non-venomous, good looking and
won't grow much more than 10".
I'm curious to know what is the King/Queen in your tanks.