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Klein's Butterfly or Double Saddle-back Butterfly??

So I have a HUGE aptasia problem and I am looking at trying either the Klein's B-Fly or Double Saddle Back B-Fly. I've heard some good things about the Doubble Saddle, but then Greg told me on Saturday about the Klein's. From what I've been reading, the Klein's is more hardy, but I don't see many favorable article's about it eating aptasia, but Greg was very adamant about it devouring aptasia.

Also, I know they are both LPS eaters, but I am going to try them anyway. May be selling it very quickly lol.

Anyone have any insight??
Kliens do awsome with aptasia on the reverse side they also do awsome with anemones, lps.

I mean awsome in a bad way!

I had one that would nip at my hosting anemones at night when the clowns were sleeping.
I have mostly SPS, but do have a Candy Cane, Ricordeas, Toadstool, Frogspawn.

My hopes is whatever fish I get, it will go after the aptasia first, then once the aptasia is gone I can sell him off....
Anyone else?? I really need to get one of these fish ASAP!! I probably have 200+ aptaisa in my tank right now!!
I have a copperband and it eats all of the aptasia that I put in the tank ( It has cleaned some rock for some friends also ) but leaves my lps and sps alone.