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Klir Filter vs Clarisea vs Rolltermat


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Had to call in reinforcements (14 year old LEGO master). But it finally got built. What a PITA!

Electronics will be added today and sump cleaned tomorrow.

Should be plumbed by sat night into Sunday


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Once you tighten up everything it’s solid. But they should really consider selling this assembled. Cause the process sucks. And while building it does feel really flimsy.
Picked up my Klir tonight:



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D72E9F09-F468-436F-8BF9-BC934C5FF358.jpeg I think my clari Sea. Hit a hard stop.

I was planning on plumbing to manifold. But realized the folly of my ways.

But to plumb to drain. I run 1.5 pipes and re route plumbing from here. Very difficult
Plumbing problems, I hear you. Apparently the sump adaptor for the Klir is backordered for a while, so since my sump wasn't built for socks, I'm slightly screwed. Also, Klir doesn't come with any instructions, though it's 95% assembled to start.

Anyway, I jury rigged an adaptor myself out of 1/8" PVC sheet. Looks a bit rustic, but I think it'll work:


Had to cut 4" off bottom as I hadn't remembered that my sump has fins at the bottom, plus it wouldn't fit under my stand. It is now 12" tall, 9"x4.5". If I was building again, I'd make it 9"x5" to allow water to flow around sides of Klir easier.

Super easy to install of you have a sock-ready sump.

For me it wasa bit of a nightmare, as when I touched my overflow plumbing, the bulkheads started leaking. When I built the tank and stand, I cut tiny holes in the stand, too small to get my hands solidly around the bulkhead. So they'd be precarious, but is forgotten because I hadn't touched them in 5+ years. So last night I was on my back with my Fein Multimaster, cutting up under the tank while salt water was pouring slowly down. Got the first one cranked tight and then the other one started dribbling. Yikes!

All set now though. Seems to be pulling out gunk. We'll see how long the roll lasts!



NJRC Member
Wow, this will be a nice head to head comparison of the new options in front of us. I look forward to the updates!!
If it's not to much of a pain could you give me the measurements of the head of the Klir want to see if it will fit my sock holder.


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Okay. I’m back in the game here.

First of all I have to say. I love !!!!
1. Ultra flex tubing
2. Threaded pvc!!!!!!
3. Unions.

All I did after having an epiphany was.

Unthread this union

Unthread this threaded elbow


Replace with new threaded elbow and flex pipe

Viola !!!!


And here she is !!!!! Already rolling and doing dirt ! !!!


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So far. I have noticed. My skimmer has reduced production. So look like I would have to increase water level to skim.


The water is the sump is pristine.



The tank looks very clear

8E799511-CBB5-4263-9CF3-D14C9A1981F8.jpeg 87EAD8D0-26F7-4170-8886-794A264F26D1.jpeg AB167A59-0541-428C-B68D-749CE8697785.jpeg E9C40363-05AE-43FB-855E-109E3E8E743A.jpeg


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Tank looks good . Too many corals in there . They belong in my tank . JK